Naruto + Sai

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Naruto, Sai and I have been in a relationship since the war. We have been living together for about four years now. Naruto and Sai had been away on a mission for far too long. 

I missed them, a lot. 

The front door opened, and I jumped up from my spot on the couch.

Sai and Naruto walked into the house with big smiles on their faces. 

"Baby!" Naruto yelled out as I ran to them. 

Yet Sai caught me.

"I missed you princess." Sai whispered in my ear as I wrapped my legs around his waist, my arms wrapped around his neck. 

"I missed you more." I whispered against his neck. 

"Hey!" Naruto called out angrily.

Sai just blew him a raspberry. 

How childish.

I giggled as Naruto forcibly took my from Sai his arms wrapping around my waist as he tugged me against his chest. He quickly twirled me around before yanking me against him and I had no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. 

He wasted no time to passionately press his lips against my own. Before his hand grabbed my ass and I gasped. I could feel the slight grin before he slipped his tongue into my mouth. 

He slightly pulled away resting his forehead against my own. 

"I missed you babe." Naruto whispered a huge smile on his face as his blue eyes shined with mischief. 

"I missed you." I whispered. 

Sai's arms wrapped around my waist from behind as I became a sandwich between the two. 

"How was the mission?" I asked as I tilted my head onto Sai's shoulder. 

"It was good, we kicked ass." Naruto spoke enthusiastically. 

"Hush." Sai spoke as he grabbed my chin and pressed his lips to my own. It was a slow passionate kiss. 

I complied. 

Sai was quick to press himself into my ass as I felt his semi hard cock pressing against me. 

I moaned into the kiss, and I felt Naruto slowly growing between my thighs. 

 "I need you." Sai whispered against my lips before he wrapped his hand around my throat. 

Naruto rutted his hips into my own. 

I felt heat pool between my legs. 

Sai was quick to squeeze his hand around my throat as I let out a low moan. Sai knew damn well I liked their hands wrapped around my throat. 

"And we missed you, so this is going to take a while." Naruto whispered as he kissed my cheek. 

"So, are you going to be a good girl?" Sai asked as he kissed the back of my neck. 

"Yes." I whispered and they shared a simple look that told me I was in for it. 

"You are so not walking for a week." Naruto spoke as he formed about five shadow clones without ever forming a single hand sign. 

A clone walked up to us and yanked me from the manwich I was trapped in before he pinned me against the wall, holding me above his head by my hips as another Naruto walked up to us and yanked down my shorts and underwear. The Naruto pinning me against the wall was quick to step closer to me and my legs were tossed onto his shoulders as he licked a bold stripe from my clit to the end of my pussy.

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