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As Sasuke and I grew closer he also grew more possessive.

It was fine it really was but some days it really got out of hand.

It had been quite okay for most of the part but like today with the entire gang here and the history I have with certain members did not amuse the Uchia- at all.

Like right now I was sitting across from Naruto who was flirting with his girlfriend and Sasuke was clawing at my thigh. Because I had indeed slept with Naruto, about two years ago.

"Sasuke." I whispered harshly.

He simply hummed in acknowledgment.

"Stop it!" I whispered.

"Stop what?" He asked mock innocence in his voice.

I did not bother myself with him for the rest of that night even though he had publicly groped me kissed me and even tried to make out with me at some point and now that the gang was gone, I was going to tear him a new one.

I barged into his room where he had locked himself in.

"Sasuke I can't keep doing this with you." I said my hands on my hips as I eyed him up and down.

"Okay I'm lost." He spoke.

"Oh really?" I asked my temper rising.

"Baby I have no idea what you're talking about." He spoke softly.

"Your jealousy!" I yelled out.

Sasuke stood behind his chair before he walked over to the door closing it he rested his hand on the dark wood taking a deep breath his back rising and falling with it before he turned around face me jealousy burning in his eyes yet again.

"Okay I'm a jealous man what do you want me to do about it?" Sasuke spoke as he stalked towards me.

"I want you to be able to act like an adult." I spoke as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

Sasuke shook me from his body like a physically burned him.

"Fine you want to be alone!" I spoke before stalking towards the door.

His hand was warm around mine as it tugged me back into his body.

"I did not say you could leave." he spoke demanding me to stay.

"Are you ordering me to stay your Highness?" I asked venom in my words.

"You're mad." he remarked.

"Obviously, I'm mad!" I spoke flabbergasted.

"Good." Was all he said before he picked me up by my waist and place me down on his hardwood desk.

"Good?" I asked staring at him in disbelief.


He shushed me.

He hiked my dress up exposing my legs to him.

"I'm going to carve my name right here." Sasuke spoke as he rubbed my hip.

"Sasuke." I spoke my voice in my throat.

"Sorry let me rephrase that can I please carve my name into your hip?" He asked me looking up at me with the most beautiful eyes ever and I could not find it in me to say no.

"Yes." I spoke my voice small.

"Thank you." was all he said before he slipped my thong down my legs slowly.

He pushed open my legs with his large strong hands before he dropped down on his knees.

"Baby." Sasuke said in a hushed voice.

"Just get it over with." I whispered as I looked down at Sasuke who now had a kunai in hand.

Alex kissed my hip before the blade sliced against my skin in a S motion.

I hissed as I gripped onto Sasuke's shoulder.

I could feel heat pooling between my legs as I felt him digging the blade into my hip yet again.

Once again thrill filled my body as his name turned into a decoration on my skin.

The letters where perfect.

And I was so fucking needy.

Sasuke wrapped his tongue around the bleeding area before sucking on it. He let out a satisfied moan.

Sasuke's hand tailed up my thigh before he ran a hand through my folds.

His eyes grew wide.

"You are so wet." He spoke in disbelief.

"Do you like being branded?" He asked when I did not reply to him.

"Yes." I whispered as I looked at him through my lashes.

"I'm going to fuck my pussy now." Sasuke spoke as he circled my clit.

Sasuke removed his hand and dropped his pants.

Before he grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

He moved closer to me.

He leaned down before pressing his lips against my own.

As our lips collided in a haze of passion he slipped inside of me swiftly.

"Sasuke." I moaned into his mouth.

"Spitfire." He groaned as he fucked into me at such a fast pace that I could no longer kiss him back.

He continued placing kisses on my face as he gripped onto my cheek and my non branded hip as he continued at a deeper pace.

"Fuck." I whispered as I bit into his shoulder.

"Spitfire." He whispered as looked down at me strands of hair cascading down his face.

"Sasuke." I whispered as I looked up at him.







" Good. "










Sasuke groaned out as he looked at me.

I felt my walls clamping down around him as I came on his hard cock.

Sasuke continued of for a few more thrusts before he came his head buried in the crook of my shoulder.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear.

"I love you." I whispered my legs still wrapped around his naked ass.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now