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"Y/n." Shikamaru's voice was soft and dangerously low as he spoke my name, I had just finished my shower and I was brushing my now dry hair when he stood in our bedroom door. I knew his day was not going great, Kiba his foreman told me that the sheep had gotten out three times today, two were found dead and his deer had a virus spreading through the heard, like crazy.

"Hey." I whispered softly as he wrapped his arms around my body.

"I missed you." He whispered as he kissed my neck.

"I missed you more." I turned around in his arms to look up at him.

"I'm going to take a shower." He whispered before he pecked my lips.

"Enjoy." I said as his grip on me loosed and it was gone, all heat that was there was gone and by the time when it bothered me Shikamaru was in the shower.

I sat down on the bed, waiting for him to tell me what was going on.

Shikamaru sat down next to me wrapped in only a towel.

I frowned but when I looked up at his torso glistering with water that dripped down his fucking delicious body into the towel.

"Hi." He whispered with a small smile as he lowered his head closer to mine our lips a single movement apart.

"Did you enjoy your shower?" I asked as my eyes darted up to his.

"Mhm, but I feel like getting dirty again." He whispered as he held the back of my head with one large hand, his fingers lacing through my hair ever so lightly.

"I could get behind that idea." I whispered as I inched closer to him.

"I know, but I want to try something." He whispered his hands already tugging at the hem of my shirt.

"Okay, what?" I asked as he toyed with my shirt.

"Strip for me and I might consider showing you." Shikamaru pulled away from me my body felt cold but his gaze made me heat up all over again.

I stood from the bed before slowly lifting my shirt over my head and tossing it to Shikamaru, he caught it before placing it down on the bed.

I turned around giving hi a great view of my ass as I bent forward and slipped my shorts down my legs. Leaving my panties that snugly hugged my ass.

I kicked the shorts that pooled around my legs away from me. I turned around before I slipped a single index finger into my waist band and tugging slightly.

Shikamaru sucked in a breath as I moved my hands to press my boobs together, letting out a loud moan that sounded like it belonged in a porno. He stood from the bed, a prominent bulge showed through his towel.

"Stop." He ordered as he let the now tight towel fall to the floor. He pulled me closer to him.

Shikamaru ripped my panties from my body before he spun me around so I was facing away from me.

Shikamaru walked us back wards, his hands on my hips as he sat as down on the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he bit my shoulder, his cock rubbing against my labia and clit.

"Shush, let me show you." He almost growled as he moved his hands from my hips to the back of my knees.

Shikamaru tugged my legs over his so they were spread.

"Wrap your legs around me." He whispered ad I complied as I bent my knees so my calves faced outwards on the mattress before my thighs wrapped around his lower body, my calves could rest as my thighs kept me upright.

"Now, place your hands on the floor." Shikamaru spread his legs as he spoke. I reached forward my eyes falling to the floor as blood rushed to my head.

"Good girl." Shikamaru whispered as he slapped my ass lightly. I moaned out as his hands traced up my spine.

Shikamaru gripped my hips as he pushed his cock into me in one swift motion.

"Shika." I moaned out as his cock reached deeper than it ever had before.

"That's it baby, call out my name." He groaned out as he slowly started rocking in and out of me.

His hands gripped my hips hard enough to bruise it as my hands were placed firmly on the carpet underneath me, the blood rushing to my head making it all the more enjoyable.

"Shikamaru!" I called out as white spots formed in my vision.

"What is it baby?" His voice was rough and deep.

"S-so good." I muttered as drool dripped down my chin.

"I know baby, I know." He sounded cocky as he rocked his hips into me, the wet sound of skin hitting skin sounded through our room as my moans joined them.

I clawed at the carpet with my nails and Shikamaru sped up his pace rocking his cock against all the right places over and over again.

I called out his name as it became harder to see with waves of pleasure hitting my body over and over again.

"Shikamaru!" I called out hoarsely as my walls clamped down around his cock and my thighs tried closing around his body. My legs shook, I could not tell if it was from pleasure or from trying to squash Shikamaru with them.

"Y/n." He groaned out as he gripped my hips harder, the sound of his rough voice was enough to push me over the edge and I came with a scream tearing through my throat.

Shikamaru was close behind me, he did not worry about catching his breath before hoisting me up so my blood could go to other parts of my body.

I felt lightheaded and tossed my head back against his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Shikamaru asked me as I allowed my legs to rest in a more normal position.

"Yes." I whispered unable to think.

"NO! STOP FUCKING IN THE ROOM NEXT TO MINE!" Kiba called out from his bedroom.

"STOP HIDING FROM YOUR SISTER." Shikamaru called back.

"FUCK YOU!" Kiba called back Shikamaru must have hit a nerve

"Y/N DID!" Shikamaru called back.

"Ready for round two?" I asked as I looked at Shikamaru over my shoulder.

"No!" Kiba called out and you could hear shuffling before there was loud yet brisk knocks on our door."Go do it in the shed or something! I am traumatized!" Kiba yelled between banging on the door.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now