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 We were in the midst of battle when Shikamaru lured Hidan away. Kakashi was busy and I could not help in any way so when I got the chance to go after Shikamaru I found him in the Nara forest. I was not supposed to be there but Shikamaru had allowed me to many times before.

He stood with a cigarette between his fingers.

"Shikamaru." I spoke softly afraid to be on the other end of his wrath.

He hummed. Probably not trusting his voice.

"Are you-" I started but his shadows trailed up my bare legs as if he wanted to caress me without seeming weak.

"Don't finish that sentence." He spoke harshly but if you knew him the way I did you would know he was close to snapping.

"Let's go home then." I spoke s I made eye contact with him.

Shikamaru stalked towards me before pinning me against a tree with his knee between my legs and his one hand resting agiasnt my head.

He drew in a last puff of smoke before he put it out on the three behind me on the other side of my head. His hands engaging me as he tossed the cigarette to the side. He arched his head upwards and he blew the smoke into the hair. Looking quite good as he did so aka he looked fucking hot.

My breathing hitched.

Shikamaru stopped his lips right before they pressed against my own.

"I want to ravish you in a not so gentlemen like way so if you have an objection speak now or forever hold your peace." He spoke his voice had dangerous edge to it. I wanted to explore the new dangerous that was provided by Shikamaru.

"Ravish me." I whispered.

His hand moved from the side of my head to my throat my vision blurred from the sheer force of his large hand. My breathing restricted.

"Take a breath." Shikamaru ordered his eyes holding power.

I inhaled shakily finding it hard to do so.

"Good girl." He whispered as He kissed me. I was breathless the moment his lips climbed my own in a rough sexy way that stopped for literally no one. He forced his tongue into my mouth as his knee pressed aginst my clothed pussy.

Shikamaru smirked as I struggled to keep up with his kiss seeing as his hand gripped my throat harder.

"I need full control right now." He whispered against my lips and I could see it in his eyes.

I nodded in understanding.

Shikamaru smirked at my submission.

Shikamaru slipped my pants from my legs with his progressed shadow possession. He had one hand wrapped snugly around my throat and my vision blurred as I looked up at him. The other rested on my cheek as if telling me he was still Shikamaru. As i he was convincing himself he was still Shikamaru.

Shikamaru slipped his hand from my cheek slipping it down my body until his hand found rest between my legs.

"You are so fucking wet for me." He whispered roughly as he slipped a finger through my folds.

I moaned out as my back arched from the tree.

"I am going to fuck you, I will savoir you later. I need you know." He almost growled at me.

I agreed with my eyes as my hands tugged at his pants. Shikamaru sent out his shadows to trap me against the tree. Keeping my arms against the rough tree bark.

Shikamaru slipped his hand from between my legs as he lowered his pants and boxers just enough to pull out his pulsing hard cock.

My vision dotted as I looked up at him from the delicious choke he had me in.

Shikamaru slipped into me slowly. Teasing the both of us.

His cock only half way in as he grazed my g-spot. The dot's in my vision became stars as I looked at Shikamaru.

I wanted to reach out and touch him but my hands were restricted so I let out a little whine that had Shikamaru balls deep inside of me. I gasped out yet it came out rugged and broken Shikamaru smirked at me as he started rutting into me slowly.

"S-shika, fuck me." My voice was rough and raw. I barely recognized it as it tore through me.

Shikamaru did just that pulling almost all the way out before rocking back into my own. His huge cock pummeling into me so deep that it almost reached the back of my throat.

"You take my cock so good." He whispered and I let out a little when in response.

Shikamaru's cock touched my cervix. I could feel my eyes roll back as I finished on his cock. My eyes rolled back and I lost consciousness for a moment as the wave of pleasure hit me when I came to Shikamaru was standing holding me upright with his hands as he rested his head in the crook of my neck his cum dripped down my inner thighs.

"Shika." I whispered as he picked up his head.

"I got the bastard who killed Asuma." Shikamaru's voice was dangerous as he looked back up at me.

"Good job baby." I whispered rejoicing in his victory.

"Let's go back." Shikamaru spoke as he got down on his knees to help me put my pants back on. My legs shook and wobbled as I tried standing on my own.

"Umm." I voiced out my concern.

"I will carry you." He answered.

* * *

We were standing in front of my apartment where Sakura and Sai were waiting.

"There you are do you know how irresponsible the two of you were?" Sakura asked hands on her hips as she eyed us.

"Sorry." I muttered almost falling asleep against Shikamaru's back.

"Y/n what happened to your legs." Sai asked with that smile of his.

"Nothing." Shikamaru defended me quickly. Too quickly.

"You two." Sakura squealed looking towards me for conformation.

"Shikamaru fucked you didn't he?" Sai asked with a closed eyed smile.

"What a drag." Shikamaru groaned as he pushed past them.

"He did." Sakura squealed as I hid my face in Shikamaru's jonin vest.

"Get fucked." Shikamaru replied as he unlocked my door.

"Y/n did." Sai responded.

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