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ShikakuI was helping Shikaku to sort out the shed on his farm when the first lighting hit outside of the door.

"Ahh!" I yelled as I jumped onto the closest thing, it just so happened to be Shikaku. My long time crush but my best friends dad so totally off limits to me.

I blushed as I got down.

"Sorry sir." I whispered as I took a step away from him.

"Y/n how many times do I have to tell you to call me Shikaku?" He asked as he placed his dusty gloves on the counter behind me.

"Sorry si-Shikaku." I whispered electricity jolting though my body.

"That's better, looks like we are going to be stuck for awhile." he muttered more to himself than to me.

He sat down on the ground before patting the spot next to him.

I sat down almost instantly as I placed my gloves next to me.

"So what are we going to do now?" I asked as I stared at the wall i front of me as I tried to calm myself not to let him see through me yet he is the town sheriff so he could see though me easily.

"We could talk." His voice was rough.

"What d you want to talk about?" I asked as I glanced at him quickly.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked as he stared down at me

"No." I said as I blushed "Do you?" I asked in return.

"No I don't have a boyfriend." He replied with mock offence.

"Good to know." I replied looking at the clean floor.

"Are you attracted to me?" He asked as he tilted my chin towards him.

"Very." I replied almost hypnotized by his eyes.

"Good to know." He whispered as he leaned in before I could strike panic his lips were on mine.

I let out a little sound of surprise before I kissed back.

He pulled away from me slightly.

"Fuck." I whispered more to myself than to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he ran a hand over my hair.

I kissed him back as I swung my one leg over the both of his thighs.

His hands gripped my hips as mine rested on his face.

My lips connected to his in a haze.

My jean clad pussy resting on top of his jean clad cock I could feel him through the material of our clothes.

"Sir." I muttered against his lips and felt his cock twitching underneath me.

"Do you have any idea what that little word does to me?" He asked as he looked between my lips and mouth.

"I have a pretty good idea." I whispered as I rolled my hips down on his. I moaned as my hands moved to grip his shoulders.

"That is the most beautiful sound in the world." He whispered as his eyes glazed over with a sense of awe.

I rolled my hips down again panting slightly from the pleasure of having him so close to me.

"You look so fucking good."He whispered as he eyed my body up and down. The thunder and lightning did not bother me much as I focused on his body.

"I want you on top of me all the time." He whispered in my ear as I rolled my hips down on him a little harder than before.

"Sir." I moaned into his ear.

"Fuck baby." He whispered. I could feel his cock against my thigh.

My hips ground down on his jean clad cock and it gave me the friction I was craving. I whimpered as I threw my head back.

"I am going to lose control." His voice was rough. His hand moved from my hip to my hair where he lightly tugged at it.

"Lose it, sir." I whispered-moaned as my hips rolled down again.

"When I lose control I will fuck you on this floor, then I am going to eat you out as you sit o that counter over there, I am going to take you out to dinner ad fuck you in the car when I park it somewhere o the side of the dirt road because the drive is too long. Shikamaru will be asleep when we pull back into the drive way. I will take you up to my room and do some very bad things to you after we will fall asleep and tomorrow I am going to wake you up with my lips wrapped around your clit." His rough voice tickled my skin and his words lit my skin on fire.

"Lose control sir." I whispered as my hips rolled onto his.

Suddenly his ripped my pants down before he flipped us around. He sat up on his knees before he undid his pants and lined up with me. His huge cock was inside of me in one fluid movement before he kissed my lips roughly claiming them as his own.

"You are so fucking tight." He groaned as he moved in and out of me slowly.

My hands gripped his clothed biceps through the thin material of his shirt.

I moaned as my back arched and my chest pressed into his chest.

Shikaku's cock hammered against my a-spot as our bodies rocked together.

I whimpered as my mouth went agape and I stared up at the sealing.

Shikaku's body fit mine perfectly like we were made for exactly this.

I hummed as he kissed my cheek.

"Am I fucking you silly?" He asked with a grunt at the end of his sentence.

"Yes sir." I moaned out as my knuckles turned white from the grip I kept on his arms.

He let out a chuckle as my walls clamped down around him.

"That's my good girl, cum for me." He almost demanded and it sent me over the edge.

I let out a high pitched moan as he pulled out of me before spilling his cum in the space between my legs.

"Fuck, that was good." I whispered as I lifted my hips from the ground to pull the up.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked as he picked me up and plopped my bare ass down on the counter of his cabinet.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I looked up at him his hands tugged my jeans lower so they would stay out of his way.

"I promised you something, I don't go back on my word." He said and spread my legs wider before he lowered his head between my legs.

Let's just say he truly is a man of his word.

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