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Kiba and I were sitting in the living room.

He was busy with some fucking game on the TV. I was bored and so fucking needy. 

I mean he was sitting in those dark jeans that made his thighs look so good. His white T-shirt was perfectly crisp. You would expect a rugged man like Kiba to have a stain or two on it. His hair was ruffled and he kept it back with a red bandanna. Fuck he looked good. 

He cursed softly underneath his breath and I squeezed my short clad thighs together. Trying to gain some form of friction.

"Kiba." I called for his attention but I was just met with a hum as his fingers danced over the controller.

I watched as he spread his thighs a little further apart before he thrusted his hips up to reposition himself.


I could feel the wetness gathering between my thighs and I was not ready to wait for him to finish his stupid fucking game. I squeezed my thighs together again before I thought of a plan.

I wanted him. Then and there.

I got up from my seat before making my way over to him.

I stood over his thigh closest to me and he moved to the side so he could see the TV screen.

"Babe." He grumbled as a frown formed on his forehead.

I sat down on his jean clad thigh as I looked up at him.

"I can't see babe. If you want to sit on me come here." He spoke as he re-positioned me to sit with my pussy against his pubic bone. Both legs straddling him, my knees resting against the couch. This was better than I thought.

He thought I just wanted attention.

Jokes on you babe. I thought as I placed my hands on his broad, muscular chest. His T-shirt was soft underneath my fingers and Kiba's body heat poured through the material. I squeezed my thighs against his own but Kiba paid it no mind.

My hips rolled down on him. I let out a soft moan and Kiba's body tensed but he did not say anything.

His fingers kept dancing over that bloody controller.

I rolled my hips down on him again and he sucked in a breath.

"Babe?" He spoke the word like he was asking me what in the world I was doing. He froze for a moment but the continued playing the stupid game.

I hummed as I rolled my hips against him again. 

The friction our clothes added to the mix was absolutely world shattering. He continued the game slowly.

I tossed my head back as I continued rolling my hips on him.

"Fuck." Kiba whispered and I could feel his gaze on me the game finally forgotten.

My hips rolled down again and I could feel his zipper between my folds as the button of his jeans rubbed against my clit. 

"Kib-A" I called out as the delicious friction helped my high to build.

Kiba smirked as he watched my body.

I moved my hands to grip his thighs y upper body leaning backwards as I continued rolling my hips against his own. I moaned lewdly the new angle that friction was applied to.

"Fuck fuck fuck." Kiba muttered as I looked up at him while grinding him.

Kiba tossed the remote to the side. His hard cock already against me. Standing at attention. His one hand moved to tug me closer to him by my belt loop his other rested High on my thigh drawing random shapes. His hands combined with the friction drove me close to insanity.

I closed my eyes as I continued riding his clothed cock.

"Kiba." I whispered as my walls clamped down around nothing.

I let out a loud moan he moved both his hands and tugged me forward. 

The friction was heavenly and precisely what I had wanted.

"Gonna c-come." I muttered as I tossed my head forward onto his large shoulder.

"Let it go babe." Kiba whispered.

My body staggered against his own and my toes curled as I came.

Kiba rubbed my back and his mouth rested against my ear.

"My turn." He almost growled out.

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