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Bar fight boy.I thought to myself as I walked into the bar ad saw the tall,dark and brooding man sipping his whiskey on the rocks.

"Y/n." The bar man greeted me as I plopped down on the bar stool next to bar fight boy.

"Obito my regular please." I greeted him before beaming.

"One strawberry dackery . coming up." He mumbled as he got to cocktail mixing.

"Hn." Bar fight boy muttered as he glared at me.

"Is there a problem?" I asked turning to him.

"No." Fuck his voice was rough and sexy.

"Then don't make remarks about my drinks bar fight boy." I flipped my hair over my shoulder before turning back to the counter.

"Bar fight boy?" He asked a grin around his cold glass.

"I don't know your name I just heard that you never lose a fight, like ever." I said as I made grabby hands towards my drink.

Obito laughed at me as I took my first sip.

"My name is Madara." He said extending his hand to me ad tipping his cowboy hat.

"Y/n." I said as a light blush coated my cheeks. I slipped my hand into his rough large hand and we shook them.

"I know." He roughly answered.

"Okay mister know it all." I mocked as I drowned my drink.

"Don't take up that tone with me honey, I will take you on this counter top." He threatened and it was so sexy I felt wetness pool down my thighs.

"Do it then." I looked up at him trough his lashes.

Madara stood from his bar stool.

"Everyone out." His voice did not raise a single octave yet his voice seemed to boom trough the bar.

Everyone cleared out, even Obito.

Madara locked the door behind the last lost soul.

"You have been the reason for at least twenty bar fights." He said as he started stalking towards me.

"That's not al-" He cut me off.

"This month honey." He grinned down at me.

It's the twentieth of the month. I was so shocked that I went silent.

"You see, I am a very jealous man Y/n and you find trouble for me around every corner with you looks and bubbly personality. I don't share." He spoke slowly with his had laced into the back of my hair as he tugged my head back so he could do as he pleases.

I stayed silent as his lips pressed against mine he tasted like whiskey ad mint as he claimed my mouth with his hand tugging my hair in a way that made me want more.

"Madara." I moaned into his mouth. He just pressed my head against his own harder.

Madara pulled away from me the both of us slightly panting. He picked me up before plopping my ass on the counter. He shoved my stool to the side before standing between my legs.

"Honey." He whispered as he sucked onto my collar bone. "I am going to do some very bad things to you."

"Prove it." I whispered the air between us thick as my hands laced around his neck playing with his log wild hair poking out from underneath his hat.

"Careful what you wish for." He whispered as he roughly bit down making me let out a loud groan. Madara licked where he had bit me and I knew in the back of my mind that there would be blood.

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