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My husband and I were training Naruto. 

And I was needy. 

Naruto was always around, always. 

I did not have the luxury of sex.

But right now, I needed my husband. 

I needed hot sex.

"Jiraiya!" I whisper yelled as I tugged on his arm.

"Yes beautiful?" He asked a shit eating grin on his face. 

"I need you." I whispered as Naruto was training.

"Oh yeah?" He asked getting a slight nosebleed. 

"So bad." I whispered as I made intense eye contact with him. 

"NARUTO!" He called out watching the poor blond lose his footing and fall. 

"What!" Naruto yelled back.

"We are heading into town, continue your training." Jiraiya commanded as he grabbed my hand and dragged me back to the inn. 


We were making out against our closed door with my legs wrapped around the perv's legs.

His tongue in my mouth and mine in his as our teeth clashed together.

Our desperation could be felt in every move we made. 

He stumbled towards the bed as I took off my shirt. He popped my tits out of my bra. 

His head was buried in my boobs before I could comprehend the complexity of what was happening.

I was moaning as he stood with me in his arms his lips wrapped around my nipple. 

His teeth slightly tugged at it. 

He backed up until he reached the bed.

I pulled away.

"I want to ride you." I whispered as I pushed him back.

 He fell with me on top of him.

"Eager are we?" He asked sitting on the edge of the bed.

I helped the both of us to expose just what was necessary.

Don't ask me how I did it I just did it, he was hard.

"Only for the man I love." I whispered as I straddled him.

"Oh so you do love me." He teased.

His hands on my hips as I hovered above his hard cock.

My hands on his large muscular shoulders.

I lowered myself slowly as we watched each other with such intensity that it was enough to make any other person feel uncomfortable.

I finally connected with him completely.

"Oh shut up." I muttered as I rested my head on his shoulder. Savoring the feeling of him inside of me.

He kissed my shoulder. 



"Careful sweetheart." He whispered against my ear sending shivers down my spine like only he could.

I started bouncing on his cock.

I moaned as he stretched me out.

Jiraiya moved one of his hands to my cheek looking me in the eyes and we could both feel it.

This was ecstasy.

I sped up my movements and Jiraiya let out a groan.

"Sweetheart." He whispered like trying to fuel the feeling that rested inside both of us.

I continued riding his cock like his life depended on it because this was Heavan.

"Jiraiya." I spoke as I moved up and down on his cock.

He moved his hand from my cheek down my body until his fingers started playing with my clit.

I tossed my head back moaning.

"That's my girl." He growled as he kissed my throat.

I moaned as his cock pounded against my g-spot.

Jiraiya wrapped his hand that was on my hip around my throat. He tilted my head to look at him. My nails dug into his shoulders as my high got closer. I knew we were not going to last much longer. I wanted us to last longer I wanted to never separate from him again.

I bounced on his cock until we both reached sweet release.

I went limp against his chest.

"I got you." He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"Pervy Sage!" Naruto yelled Barging in.

The door swinging open.

Jiraiya covered me with his body before yelling at his pupil.

Yep that's my husband.

He can make you cum harder than he could make you laugh.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now