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I was cuddled against Gai senseis side, as I shivered we were sitting on a thick tree branch in the middle of a forest and it was winter we had lost the team and we had nothing to make a fire with. I was cuddled into his side but it did not really help as much as I wanted it to because my body was still covered in goose bumps and I was rattling like a leaf in the wind against him.

"Hey come here." He whispered as he easily lifted me from his side onto his lap before he wrapped both of his arms around me. I wrapped my hands around his waist before I snuggled into his chest.

"Thanks." I mumbled as  looked up at him.

"No problem." He spoke with a huge grin.

He placed a kiss on top of my head.

"Shit sorry, I-I don't know where that came from." He appologised prefously.

"It's fine, I don't mind." I whispered as I closed my eyes while hugging him. 

"Oh Okay." He spoke his body relaxing a little.

"I kind of liked it, no one really shows me that type of affection." I spoke not making eye contact with Gai at all.

"Why not?" Gai asked as he held me against him.

"I don't date." I whispered as I cuddled into him.

"Oh." He spoke seemingly in thought.

"This is nice." I whispered just wanting the moment to last forever.

"It is." Gai spoke as he tilted my chin up o look at him.

I could feel my pulse in my ears Gai's woodsy firey smell filled my nostrils not that it was un pleasant in any way you think someone who trains like he does sweats profusely but he didn't he's still smelled like he had just gotten out of a shower okay maybe not exactly like that but it was comforting.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked me as he kept all the contact with me.

"I have never I-" I struggle to get the words out I have never been kissed and I was about to admit that to Gai.

"You've never been what?" He asked his hand still on my chin keeping me right where he wanted me.

"Never been kissed." I mumbled as a blush coated my cheeks my eyes dating down staring at his vest.

"I don't care, in fact I preferred this way. Now can I kiss you?" He looked at me with such fierce eyes like he was challenging Kakashi to something.

"Okay." I whispered as my hands pressed against his chest.

He lowered his face closer to mine closer to mine until I could feel his breath on my lips.

And then he's soft lips were pressed against my own so gentle sudden contrast to everything the man the lips belonged to stood for.

He was an icon of masculinity training until he dropped and here he was kissing me so softly holding me so gently like he was afraid I would break in his grasp. His hands on my waist his left arm trailed up for my spine before entangling in my hair, bringing me a little bit closer to him as our lips move together slowly but I caught up and joined him in slow pace as soon as he saw I had adjusted to the pace of his lips he's slowly sped up harder, faster a giving me time and allowing room for me to grow like this was just another training exercise, but much more intimate.

I moaned into the kiss, before puling away and hiding my face or trying to hid my face with my hands..

"Sorry I don't know where that-" I tried apologizing but Gai simply just grabbed the back of my head, yet again before he pulled me closer to him our lips almost touching but not quite.

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