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Dear reader.

If you have requests that you have placed in comments, please request it either on this chapter marked requests or private message me. 

I have not been able to get to requests and have had people wait more than a few months. I am terribly sorry but due to a lot of personal stuff I could not make time in my schedule I have struggled to find time, and motivation. 

I can't promise you how much time I will need to complete requests because life happens, therefore I don't promise anything in timeframe order. 

I am so sorry for the inconvenience it is just easier to go to one place to view all requests.

PLEASE NOTE: Nothing is off the table I will write literally anything, don't be shy about details you want included I won't judge you at all, I want to make this the best experience possible.

I hope you have a wonderful day/night. 

I am terribly sorry for all the inconvenience this might cause.


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