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He was hot, and exactly what I needed a no strings attached fuck and I intended on getting it as soon as possible. 

That's all you need to know to understand how I ended up in Darui's bed with my hands tied above my head and my legs separated by a spreader bar with him looming over me in a pair of pants and boxers but my eyes where roaming his physic all over his chiseled chest down his abs and lower to that fucking v-line. I wanted to moan out at the thoughts and scenarios my brain was more than willing to provide.

"Look at you so wet." He teased before he placed a slap on my inner thigh.

I moaned lewdly my hips bucking up to reach for his touch.

"That's my girl, look at this desperate, deprived cunt begging to be fucked." He drawled as he traced his hands up and down my inner thighs.

My breathing hitched as as he circled my clit before removing all physical contact from my body.

"How badly do you want me?" He asked  as he glanced at me.

"So bad." I whispered as my hips bucked up.

"Cute." He spoke as he ran his index finger through my wet folds.

My back arched as he did this.

"Darui." I whimpered needing some form of stimulation.

"It's so cute to see you withering for me princess." He spoke teasingly knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Please?" I asked as tears started forming in my eyes.

"Please what?" he asked. His cocky smirk never leaving his face.

"I need please-" I started but my words got holding my throat and stuck in my brain frozen in place because they didn't not want to come out of my throat.

"Need what?" darling he asked as he started playing with my clitoris.

"I-" I started but he suddenly plunged two fingers into me without any warning my back arched as I moaned out loud.

"You what?" he asked that cocky tone of is never falling away.

My breathing picked up as I tried to think of what I wanted but I only wanted one thing.

"Need you." I made out as he moved his fingers in and out of me slowly.

"Awe it's so cute of you. Wanting me, needing me aren't you a little pathetic darling?" He spoke as his fingers moved in and out of me my hands tried gripping the sheets but because of them occupation they just gripped air or my nails digging into my palms depending on how hard my firsts were clenching my back arched off of the sheets and my legs with sprayed wide open ready for him.

"I need you." I almost moaned out as his long fingers moved in and out of me as his  thumb grazed my clit over and over again I needed more.

"I know you need me I can see that I can feel that how your body reacts to me I don't need your words just your permission and then you can scream my name as loud as you want, no one going to hear you anyway." my jaw dropped at his words and it's cocky tone not that it made a difference my walls  clenched around him and I could feel myself dripping the pit in my stomach growing hotter I wanted no I needed him.

I kept my mouth shut besides the moans falling from my lips as he continued pumping in out of me wile curling his index and his middle finger ramming against my g-spot over and over and over again making my entire body shake.

I inhaled deeply as he stared down at me with an expression that was a mixed between love and lust. 

"It's so cute to see you shaking for me to see you like this it's very exhilarating but I don't think you and understand even if I explained it to you but you don't have to, I'll make you feel the exact same way." he spoke and with every word he spoke he rammed his fingers into my g-spot giving it with new found meaning, giving it a new found purpose every single word from his lips where no longer just words they were tools that he used, that he used good I was withering against the sheets needing more needing it now. Chasing my release, and wanting it fast, faster than he was giving it to me.

"More" I moaned out whether it was the only thing I said it would not matter because he was going to do whatever he wanted anyway.

"No that's enough." he spoke even slowing down his pace but it went deeper harder and he kept edging me on kept me right where he wanted me made it known that he was in charge of this situation.

"I know you want me." I spoke yet it sounded more like I was begging him to want me. Not that I cared by any means.

"Yes, but I have self control and you don't." He spoke he used this other hand to slap my inner thigh as if telling me I was wrong in the situation but the words that spilled from his lips were quite contradictory as he called me his good little girl.

My legs shook and my walls clamped down around his fingers.

I was breathing heavily moaning out my back arched my legs shaking in the shackles that bound my ankles.

My eyes glued to his face and he was smiling down at me like this was the best thing he'd ever seen he was looking like a kid in a candy store never happier.

"Darui!" I moaned out or well more like screamed out as I shook and came around his fingers he continued riding out my high while calling me his good little girl, yet again.

My eyes started closing as my body still shook from the amount of pleasure that orgasm had just gave me.

"Oh baby I'm not done with you.." he spoke as he dropped his pants.

I tried fighting my eyes to stay open but as soon as he crawled over me all of the tiredness vanished his hands and intertwined them with my own tied up ones as he lined himself up with my dripping cunt before he started pounding into me not going slow or allowing me to adjust, but  the pain turned pleasure as I moaned out but me being a little masochist, I enjoy a little pain.

He pounded in and out of me hitting my g-spot over and over and over again pounding into my already overstimulated the body my hands in tangled with his my nails digging into his skin the crimson red  standing and contrast with his dark skin. I wanted more, I wanted him, I wanted this I was so indulged in the sex that it was the best thing I've ever had.

There's no strings attached arrangement was the best thing we could have ever done because there was no emotions pure lust as he pounded into me okay so I as obsessed with him. My walls clamped down around him and he let out a groan. I needed more of that and my body complied squeezing him milking him for everything he had as he moaned for my touch for me and for me alone and I enjoyed that moving I should have I was away but it was fucking perfect having him this way, having him living breathing for me.

I let out loud moan and his lips pressed against mine that was enough to send me over the edge as I came screaming his name the neighbors would not be happy but that's their problems I screamed into his mouth and my body squirmed and this time I did not even try to fight the tiredness as I passed out right away from being this over stimulated.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now