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"You are telling me that you are leaving me." I spoke as I almost chocked on my own anger bubbling inside of me.

I was sitting on my bed with my elbows resting on my knees my hands gripping my hair in a firm grip as I tried to remain calm.

"I'm asking you to leave with me." Orochimaru spoke, his kneeling frame in front f me.

"And betray my village?" I asked with shock in my eyes as I looked into his eyes.

"Is the village dearer to you than I am." He hissed as he took my hands cupping it in his own.

"You know it's not like that." I spoke as I kept eye contact with him.

"Y/n." He spoke as he moved a hand to tilt my chin with his fore finger and his thumb.

"This can't be the end." I whispered as I leaned into his touch.

"My life." He whispered as he pressed his forehead to my own.

"I am not going to change your mind am I?" I asked as I looked at the rouge ninja in front of me.

"Afraid not." He whispered as he placed a kiss on my fore head getting ready to move from his position.

Moving to leave me..

I yanked his wrist towards myself keeping him close.

"Orochimaru." I felt like we were miles apart even if he was mere inches away from me in my grasp literally.

"Yes my life?" He asked as he ran a hand through my hair.

"Say goodbye to me properly, please." I plead as a single tear ran down my cheek.

"Of course." He spoke before he kissed me softly. Not quite a goodbye kiss but one that we normally shared either. 

His lips brushed my own as he kissed me slowly and deeply. My arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer to me and he gripped my hips tugging me closer to himself. I moaned into the kiss as his cock stood proudly and him tugging me closer made it very clear.

"Fuck." He whispered against my lips.

The wetness between my legs grew rapidly, his lust induced voice had always been a turn on.

I leaned into him more and he slipped his knee between my legs. His lips moved against my own at a teasingly slow pace making me whine into his mouth, blocking the sound with his tongue caressing my own.

His knee pressed against my clothed pussy and I gasped out. Tugging my neck back slightly but Orochimaru had other plans, he gripped my hair tugging my head closer to his own and keeping me still so his lips could keep devouring my own in this hungry lustful way. 

"Mine." He grumbled before he continued rubbing his knee against me.

I moaned as my eyes shot open and we made eye contact, I suddenly forgot to breath never mind kiss him back.

He pulled his lips away from my own the departure nothing sweet. I was breathing heavily as I looked up at him a string of saliva connecting the two of us. 

"You are mine." He almost snarled at me, he had always been a very jealous man and now he was not going to be here to stop it from happening.

"Yours." I whisper as my head his tugged back and his tongue is pressed against my hot skin. I shivered at the wet sensation on my neck as he traced my trachea. My breathing hitching at the pure vulnerability of being exposed to probably the most dangerous shinobi of the village. 

"This body is mine." He whispered as he pressed his knee against me, harshly.

I whimpered loudly as he did this his hand gripping the soft flesh of my ass.

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