Jiraiya + Itachi

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"Have you ever seen stars?" Itachi asked me as he leaned over the old wooden table in the dull lit bar.

"Of course I have seen stars." I reply as I curl into Jiraiya's large toned body. Pulling my jacket over my palms with my knees curled into my chest.

"I bet we can make you see the other side." Itachi spoke his voice dangerously low.

"We?" I ask with mock amusement as I look up at the toad sage who was already looking down at me.

"Yes we." Jiraiya spoke his tone of voice that of no nonsense.

"Are you proposing what I think you are?" I asked and  could feel my eyes lighting up with mischief.

"A threesome." They spoke in union.

I thought it over for a second before I agreed.

"Let's go home then." Itachi spoke as he stood.

Jiraiya tossed me over his shoulder and I let out a squeal.

* * *

I was standing in Jiraiya's bedroom barefoot and already in my underwear. Itachi and Jiraiya stood across from me both of them looking at me like they were memorizing me in the red set Jiraiya had insisted I wear. 

"Are you going to stare at me all night or are we going to fuck?" I asked as a smirk grazed my lips.

"Be careful." Jiraiya spoke and I knew if I pushed him more a punishment would await.

And that might result in me waiting.

"I don't want to be careful." I spoke back in a sultry voice.

"I will bend you over my knee and turn this pretty ass red do you understand?" Jiraiya asked as he stepped loser to me as he spoke the last words his hand was already wrapped in my hair forcing my head up to look at him.

"Then do it." I smirked lightly and so did Jiraiya.

"You are right master Jiraiya this one is dirty." Itachi spoke from the corner of the room.

"I told you." Jiraiya grinned from ear to ear as he kept his gaze on my face.

My breathing hitched as Itachi's hands gripped my hips tugging me into his own, his semi-hard cock lad by the layers of his clothes pressing against me.

"Well this little cock slut wants to play so let's play." Jiraiya spoke as he bent down and pressed his lips to my jaw.

Itachi growled against my outer earlobe as my ass moved against his cock from my body withering from Jiraiya's teeth against my jaw, he traced those pearly whites down my jaw not biting down.

Itachi's hands played with the hem of my panties. He would breach it with a finger making me gasp before pulling it out or her would pull the material back and allow it to snap back against my skin.

Jiraiya's teeth ran down my skin until he reached my collarbone where he sunk his teeth into me. I yelped out in surprise as Jiraiya lapped up the blood. Itachi bent his head down to the other side before he did the same, breaching my smooth skin with his perfect teeth, marking me. I moaned as they each left hickies up and down my neck and shoulder, not caring that I would have to hide them in the morning.

"Ng ah." I moaned out as Itachi moved his fingers to rub against my clothed pussy slowly.

Jiraiya slipped his hand out of my hair before he allowed his hands to rest on my boobs. He squeezed my breasts through the material.

I moaned in approval. The feeling of two pairs of hands on my body made me feel a sort of ecstasy  that I thought only possible from those smutty books Jiraiya wrote.

"I want to claim you, every fucking part of you." Itachi spoke as his lips rested below my ear. I let out a small moan at his words.

Jiraiya stepped away from me.

"Itachi, prep her ass for me would you?" He asked as he eyed us.

"With pleasure." Itachi spoke as he kissed my neck.

I felt fear shoot through me I had never tried anal never mind taking two cocks at a time.

Itachi moved both of his hands to rub my hips.

"Don't worry, I am going to take good care of you." Itachi whispered as he slightly squeezed my hips.

I moaned at the feeling of his calloused hands on my skin.

Jiraiya sat down on a chair watching.

Itachi slipped my underwear down my legs in a slow menacing way before he trailed his fingers back up my legs. My knees bucked when he reached the backs of my knees. Itachi let out a deep chuckle and my face turned crimson.

Itachi stood to his full height his body heat radiating from him but he was not touching me. The anticipation was making me desperate.

Itachi unhooked my bra and I allowed it to fall to the floor. Jiraiya let out a wolf whistle as he eyed me up and down.

"Bend over Jiraiya's lap for me baby." Itachi spoke in my ear, loud enough for me to hear but not loud enough for Jiraiya.

I nodded before I made my way over to Jiraiya.

"Yes?" Jiraiya asked amused.

I simply smiled keeping my mouth shut as I bent over his huge thighs. My ass in the air ever so slightly and Jiraiya's legs were in a man spread so my tits were pressed against his clothed thigh.

"Itachi?" Jiraiya asked amused.

"I had the suspicion that you would like to be apart of this." Itachi spoke in his velvety rich voice.

"You were so right." Jiraiya spoke as his hand laced into my hair.

I let out a frustrated moan.

"We know doll, we know." Jiraiya spoke as he slightly tugged my hair.

Itachi spread my legs before he knelt between them.

"So fucking wet for us." Itachi whispered as he kissed my inner thighs.

My nails dug into Jiraiya calve as I tried to keep my composure.

"So needy." Jiraiya whispered as he traced a finger down my spine.

Itachi spread my ass cheeks before he kissed my spine. Right above my ass he bit into the skin and my hips bucked into Jiraiya's leg. I let out a little groan at the feeling.

Itachi squeezed some lube onto his fingers before he spread the cold liquid on my asshole. I hissed out from the coldness.

My entire body went stiff.

"Relax for me." Jiraiya spoke softly as he traced his fingers over my neck and back delicately.

My body practically melted into Jiraiya as I relaxed.

Itachi's lips wrapped around my clit and he sucked on it keeping the same amount of pressure on it and I let out a moan as he slipped in a single finger.

Itachi's long finger stretched me out and my eyes grew wide from the new form of pleasure.

"That's my pretty cock slut." Jiraiya praised as he kissed the back of my neck.

Itachi slipped a second finger in and I let out a hum. Itachi spread his fingers in a scissoring motion as he spread me open and I let out a loud moan.

"That's my girl." Jiraiya praised as Itachi stretched me out for a cock to fill.

The pressure building made me all out Itachi's name like a praise.

I let out a loud scream as pleasure overtook me. I was already seeing stars and my pussy walls clamped down around nothing as I came.

"Good girl." Itachi praised as he released my clit with a pop sound.

I shivered and my legs shook.

Jiraiya played with my hair as they allowed me to take a breather for just a moment.

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