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I was standing in the horse stables when Deidera wrapped his arms around me.

I was about to saddle up a horse.

"Hi Dei." I whispered as my hands glanced over the leather saddle.

"Hi un." He answered his lips against my neck.

"Do you want to come riding with me?" I asked as I gestured to the saddle.

"No, I want you to ride me." His voice was deep as he spun me around.

"Dei." I whispered as I moved his hair out of his face.

"Tell me no now or I am fucking you against that wall." Deidera gripped my hips in a way that was sure for me to ever be able to say no.

"Fuck me then Dei." I whispered as I kissed his lips hard and rough.

Deidera wasted no time before he pressed my back against the wall.

"How are you so perfect?" He asked as I placed his hat on my head.

Deidera unbuckled my belt and dropped my pants as mine reached for his own, he smacked my hand away before he pulled me out of the pile of clothes by sheer force he was quick to move back and prop himself down on the table top.

"Ride my thigh." He whispered as he pulled me onto his jean clad thigh.

I looked at him with shock lacing my features.

I was now mounded on his thigh.

"Dei, I don't know about this." I whispered my juices already sliding onto his jeans from the pure excitement.

"Shut up, un." He whispered as he tugged me forward, the friction was amazing against my clit and labia.

"Dei." I whispered as my hips rocked on his thigh without thought. My fingers gripped his belt as I needed more friction from the boy in front of me.

My hands tugged harshly at his belt ad Deidera's hips rocked upwards.

I moaned out as I continued enjoying the lavish tug his jeans had against my nub.

"You look perfect riding my leg like a little whore." He whispered as he nipped at my neck.

His hands slipped under my shirt as he played with my nipples his fingers flicking them as my bra rested below my chest.

I knew that I was staining his pants with vaginal fluids but neither of us cared.

I closed my eyes and moaned as he watched me moaning as I used his body.

Deidera's hard cock grazed my thigh with every thrust or rock of my hips.

My hands moved and gripped the shirt Deidera was wearing as pulses of pleasure spiked up and my walls contracted around me.

Deidera leaned out of my grip and my hands gripped his belt again.

I turned into a moaning mess on top of his thigh. I finally slipped and fell over the edge of ecstasy and my body rutted against his own as I came down from my high, his jeans coated in a layer of cum making me slide up and down further.

I dismounted his thigh but Deidera pulled me back he lied down with his back on the table and me on top of him.

"Dei, someone is going to catch us." I whispered as I moved out of his grip.

"Let them." He confidently said as he held my hips tighter.

"Dei we can't." I moved my hands to cover his own.

"Fuck them, why not?" His grip tightened again and I felt the urge to roll my hips over his own.

"You know my father and brothers will slaughter you if we get caught." I slapped his hand away and moved to get dressed.

"Ah darling you just said the word if, if we get caught." He retorted his usual cocky self.

"Dei, I need to be out of this stable in less than five minutes or Sasuke will be kicking your ass and I will have another lecture on impurity." I whispered grazing my lips over his.

I quickly got dressed while Deidera saddled up the horse, how on earth was this man gong to hide the cum stain o his jeans? I hated the secrets we had to keep but it kept things interesting.

"Like I said, fuck them."

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