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I was sent on a mission with Tobi about a week ago when I found about his plans with Madara. I found out about his secret identity and I was locked up in my room repeating the fight between the two of us over and over again.

"Obito, you can't do this." I spoke as I pulled him towards me his broad back turned to me.

"They killed Rin!" He yelled at me. His breathing ragged he was fuming.

"I know but please don't-" I tried finishing my sentence.

"You don't get it so stay out of it!" He yelled as he stepped closer to me.

"I don't understand you are right because-" He cut me off again.

"Don't fucking lecture me!" He yelled as his grip on my wrist tightened painfully.

"Stop." I whispered as my eyes grew watery.

"No because you don't get it." He had calmed down a little but his grip became harder.

"You are scaring me." I whispered as a single tear ran down my cheek.

"Good you should be scared." He almost growled out.

"Obito let me go, please." I whispered turning my face away from him.

"Fine." He muttered as he let go of my raw wrist.

I ran back to the hide out before bolting towards my room and I locked myself in there.

I sighed as a knock sounded on my bedroom door.

"Go away Hidan!" I called as I tugged my knees into my chest.

"Not Hidan lady Y/n it's me Tobi." A obnoxious voice came from the other side of my bedroom door.

"I rather it be Hidan!" I yelled at him as I tugged my knees closer to my chest.

"But Tobi is a good boy!" He called from the other side of the door.

"Fuck off!" I called out as I curled into a smaller ball.

"Lady Y/n!" He called from the other side of the locked door.

"Go bother Someone other than me." I muttered as I rested my head on top of my legs.

"Nope." He called out popping the P.

"Y/n open this fucking door before I kill him!" Hidan yelled banging his fist against my door.

"Kill him then." I muttered as I looked over at the door.

"Y/n." Itachi called from the door.

"Go away you stupid fucking Uchia!" I called out as a tear slid down my cheek.

"Let's leave Tobi." Itachi spoke softly and all three of them retreated down the hall.

I heard doors close and suddenly Obito sat in front of me.

"Come here." He whispered as he held out a hand.

I darted into his chest wanting to feel comforted not caring by who it was.

"Obitio." I whispered as I balled his shirt up in my hands.

"Honey, look at me." He whispered as he placed a gloved hand on my chin before tilting my face up.

I looked at him.

He leaned in closer and closer until his lips pressed against my own. It was sweet and apologetic at first but it turned into more and before either one of us could stop it it was hunger and passion.

Obito gripped my hips and tugged me so I was lined up with his clothed cock.

"Obito." I whispered against his lips as a string of saliva connected the two of us.

"Yes." He asked as he rested his forehead against my own.

"Please." I whispered and he rocked me forward.

"We can't make any noise." He whispered as our lips connected hastily.

Our teeth clanked together as we removed the layers of clothes between us.

He used a gloved hand to tug my panties to the side before I sank down on his barely unclothed cock.

He kissed me hard as I sank down on him, to help keep me silent.

"S-so big." I mumbled and Obito flipped us around so I was laying beneath him.

"Shh now." He spoke as he slowly moved his hips out of me before he pushed back in just as tortuously slow.

I moved one of my hands to my mouth and I bit down on the lower end of my thumb sinking my teeth into the flesh as I let out a muffled moan.

"Good girl." He whispered in my ear as he sank into me again.

I allowed my eyes to roll into the back of my head as I inhaled through my nose.

The hand that I was not using to bite down on was now digging into Obito's shoulder.

Obito sped up ever so slightly and I moaned into my hand.

He looked down at me with pride as he stroked my cheek.

"Mine." He growled as he licked the side of my neck.

My body shuddered at the feeling of his warm tongue against my skin.

His hips snapped against mine.

My eyes grew wide as his cock slammed against my g-spot.

"Tobi!" A voice called down the hall.


A glimmer of mischief was found in my eyes.

I tugged my hand from my mouth.

"Answer him." I urged before placing my hand back in my mouth.

"Are you crazy?" He asked slightly amused.

"You like that about me." I spoke saliva running down my chin and connecting to my hand.

"Fuck it woman." He whispered as he slightly slowed down.

"Yes senpai!" He called back as he changed his voice.

"We have a mission let's go, un!" Deidera called from outside my door.

I let my hand slip down to toy with Obito's balls.

His eyes shot me a warning as I played with his balls.

He groaned lowly.

"Coming!" He called back in his obnoxious voice.

I hid a giggled behind my hand as Obito snapped his hips into my own harder and deeper than before.

I swallowed my moans down as Obito chased our highs.

"Tobi!" Deidera snapped from outside the door.

Obito stifled a groan by biting into my shoulder.

My eyes glossed over and walls clamped down around him as I came.

Obito was quick to follow.

"Tobi!" Deidera called out right as Obito kissed my forehead.

"I'm going to-"

"Kill him." I finished for Obito.

"Stop worrying about the plan, you are safe." He spoke as he fixed his pants.

"Why?" I asked no caring to fix my appearance.

"Tobi let's go!" Deidera called out as he fixed his mask and cloak.

"Later." He grumbled as he kissed my forehead.

Naruto one shots (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now