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Asuma and I were standing across from each other on the training ground. He was breathing heavily his muscular chest heaving up and down harshly as his veiny fists were clenched and protecting his face and vital organs.

His eyes on mine. 

His cigarette between those perfect lips of his as he swiftly moved to attack me. 

He knocked me onto my ass his body above mine. 

I missed sex, and Asuma looking at me with that smirk of his, was not helping my vagina from speaking volumes. My blood rushing into my cheeks as I moaned out in pain. 

Asuma stared down at me as I clung to his vest.

"Good job Y/n, your getting better." Asuma praised as he helped me up. 

"Shut up, Sarutobi." I spoke as I punched his shoulder. 

"What was that?" He asked as his hands gripped my waist.

"Fuck me, nothing." I whispered as I looked at the ground.

"I am going to fuck some sense into you." Asuma whispered in my ear before tugging the outer lobe into his mouth. 

"Please." I whispered as my pussy drenched.

Asuma looked taken aback for a second, but he regained his composure quickly. 

"Such a good-mannered whore." He praised as he moved his knee in between my legs.

"Asuma." I whispered as my hands clutched his vest harder, my knuckles turning white.

"Keep saying my name." He whispered as he kissed my cheek. 

He tugged me closer to him.

"Jump." Was all he spoke before he hoisted me up into the air and my legs wrapped around him. 

Before I could ask what, he was doing Asuma sat me down on a low, sturdy tree branch before he undid his belt and pulled out a kunai. 

"Tell me if you feel uncomfortable at any point, and I will stop." He spoke his eyes on mine as he spoke. 

"Yes sir." I spoke as I watched him intently.

He was quick to move the kunai and slit a hole in my gear right over my pussy. 

"Asuma!" I scolded but before I could even form words he had turned the kunai around and shoved the circular part inside of me. 

My eyes grew wide as he found my g-spot with it. 

"You were saying?" Asuma asked as he watched me clutch the tree branch. 

"Asuma." I moaned out as he pulled the kunai out of me slightly before inserting it again. 

"That's much better my little whore." He whispered as he watched the kunai slip in and out of me. 

"Fuck." I moaned out as my head rolled back. 

Suddenly Asuma pulled the kunai out of me and dropped it onto the floor before he gripped the back of my head and shoved himself into me. 

I gasped as I felt my walls contracting around him, trying to adjust. 

"Look at your pussy, taking me so fucking well." He groaned as he rocked his hips into me.

"Asuma." I whispered as placed my head on his shoulder my hands on his vest. 

"I love the way you are clinging to me." He whispered as he pulled his dick out halfway before slamming back into me.

He continued with his movements as he hit my g-spot. 

"Asuma!" I moaned out as he rammed his dick into my g-spot yet again. 

"That's it moan for me my little whore." He whispered as he continued filling me up.

"Don't stop." I moaned as one of his muscular hands dipped in between my folds and circled my clit. 

"Not even if you paid me." He spoke as he picked me up from the branch before he started dropping me onto his dick. 

My legs wrapped around him. 

I moaned as he filled me up before slipping me almost completely from his dick and slamming me back down. 

"Asuma." I whispered as he continued pounding into me. 

He moved one of his hands to my ass before he moved the other as well. 

I loved feeling his large hands on my ass, groping and squeezing as he continued his actions. 

"My whore." He groaned out as he slammed me back down on his cock. 

I felt myself pulsing around him as he continued picking me up slightly before allowing gravity to slam me back down all the while his large hand stayed gripping my ass and groping it.

"Asuma!" I moaned as I realized that I was getting closer to my high. 

My orgasm building in waves of pleasure.

"That's it, come for me my whore." He whispered as he rammed against my g-spot. 

I let out a broken scream as I came. 

Asuma rode out my high as he chased his own orgasm prolonging my orgasm as he moved my leg over his shoulder and pressing my back against the tree. 

Asuma started to pound into me more aggressively and I felt my second high building. 

"Asuma!" I called out as I allowed him to continue. 

"That's it, scream for me my little whore." Asuma whispered as he continued. 

My second high approached swiftly as Asuma rubbed my clit throughout it and he followed suite.

He kissed my forehead before allowing me to drop down to the ground. 

"Thanks." I whispered as I sat on the grass out of breath while Asuma buckled his belt.

"Any time." He whispered as he helped me up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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