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*takes place after the events of the movie*

Since Mount Rageous is all teenagers they only really have a juvenile detention center. The court system is also run by teens so it's a whole mess. Which was bad news for the criminal pop stars Velvet and Veneer.

"Alright alright order in the court" the judge said slamming the gavel down at full force. He was wearing one of those fake powdered wigs and sunglasses inside. Veneer thought he looks more like he was cosplaying a judge rather than actually being one.

"Velvet and Veneer, you committed fraud, tax evasion and kidnapping. What does your attorney have to say?"

Their defense was usually Crimp, since they almost got caught on the tax thing before once or twice. But now she was sitting on the opposite side of the courthouse and Velvet was staring daggers at her.

They got some crappy attorney who didn't even seem to be on their side.

"Um yeah your honor they didn't do anything even though Veneer confessed on live tv...umm I plead the fifth." The attorney said nervously and promptly sat back down.

The judge facepalmed and slammed the gavel for no reason.

"Ok what about Velvet and Veneer themselves?" The judge said and then turned to the jury next to him "This is so useless we all know they did it why can't we just send them to prison?"

"Because that's now how the law works you should know that! Velvet requested a court hearing!" Said a lady on the jury.

"Whatever I only took this job because I wanted to bang the hammer thingy!" He banged the gavel again.

Velvet stood up to defend herself, but Veneer didn't move, even when she angrily motioned him to do so. She glared at him.

"Your honor, why would we ever do something like that?" She said trying her best to sound innocent.

"Because YOU wanted to be famous." Veneer snapped at her.

"You're not helping." She said through her teeth snapping her head back to glare at him.

The judge slammed his gavel again. "No siblings fighting in my courtroom!" He said.

"We plead guilty!" Veneer stood up and yelled. Velvet covered his mouth.

"Not guilty your honor" she yelled.

"Well clearly you're guilty because no one is on your side of the courtroom except the attorney we gave you." Said the judge. "Also Veneer confessed on live TV and your assistant told us all your crimes."

Velvet glared at Crimp again and she ran out of the courtroom in fear.

Velvet tried to say something again but the judge slammed his gavel.

"Velvet and Veneer I sentence you to two months in juvenile detention!"

"Shouldn't their sentence be like at least a year for the crimes they committed?" The lady on the jury said.

"I still like their songs!" The judge said. He slammed his gavel again. "Court dismissed! Take 'em away boys!"

Velvet tried to protest as the cops pulled them out the door and into a truck.

"This is all your fault!" Velvet snapped at Veneer. She didn't talk to him for the rest of the ride there just like when they were in a holding cell the night prior.

Maybe he really was at fault.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now