Night Out

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Veneer started getting ready for the concert. Roxie said they would pick him up so he wouldn't get lost. He already knew the venue, having preformed there before, but It would be more fun to ride with them.

Ash drove up to his house and honked. Clearly she was the designated driver of the group. Veneer ran out of the house and got into the car.

"Hi!!" Roxie said hugging him.

"Wow Veneer haven't seen you in forever." Violet joked. Veneer laughed.

"Can I have the AUX!" Roxie asked.

"No."Said Ash.

"Yeah sure!" Said Brook handing her the cord from the passenger seat.

"You guys are like our parents or something in the front like that." Kid Ritz said.

"You guys want some string cheese and apple juice?" Ash asked them jokingly.

"I do." Said Brook. Everyone laughed.

"Roxie play the Juvie playlist." Veneer asked. In Juvie they made a playlist of songs all about being in jail.

"I'm sorry you guys have a Juvie playlist?!" Ash asked.

"Of course we have a Juvie playlist who doesn't?" Roxie said.

"Most people that's who doesn't!" Said Ash.

"Well most people are no fun." Said Veneer.

They sang along to songs about jail in the car until they reached the venue. Roxie and Kid Ritz each grabbed one of Veneer's hands and pulled him in.

Inside the venue everyone was excited. It made Veneer excited too even if he didn't know the artist. The six of them crowded into the venue.

It was very hot and stuffy, Veneer kept holding firmly onto Kid Ritz's hand as to not get separated. Kid Ritz squeezed his hand.

"Is this your first time being in the audience?" He asked Veneer.

"Yeah I'm a bit nervous." He said.

"Don't worry you'll be fine. " Kid Ritz smiled at him. 

Soon the opening act went on and it was...Crimp?! Veneer was flabbergasted. Crimp was onstage playing the ukulele and singing.

"Hey ain't that Cringe?" Kid Ritz turned to ask Veneer.

"Yeah..." Veneer said still in shock. If Velvet were here she would probably boo Crimp but Veneer didn't want to ruin the vibes.

Crimp made eye contact with him and her eyes went wide. Crimp stopped playing. Veneer narrowed his eyes at her. People turned to look at him and gasps went throughout the crowd.

Veneer covered his face with his hands. His cheeks grew red. Usually people started with admiration but this staring was different.

"Keep playing weird hairball accomplice!" Roxie yelled. Crimp snapped out of it and kept playing trying not to look at Veneer.

"You ok?" Roxie asked him. Veneer nodded. Roxie smiled. "I can't believe that weird hairball is allowed to play here. She's completely butchering the song." She grumbled.

Veneer nodded. Crimp could play the ukulele but she couldn't sing. But Veneer couldn't really sing too so he wasn't one to talk.

Soon the band started playing and everyone started screaming. Veneer tried his best to sing along even if he didn't know any of the words.

He danced around with his friends and was having the time of his life. Halfway through the show his head started to spin. He felt really dizzy. He had never been in a crowd like this.

He started to stumble over and Kid Ritz caught him. Kid Ritz looked at Roxie nervously and they both place Veneer's arms on their shoulders. They helped him out of the crowd and soon the others followed.

They placed Veneer on a chair and Brook handed him a water. He took a sip and lay back in the chair.

"You ok?" Violet said placing her hand on his forehead.

"Yeah I'm fine. I don't wanna ruin the night you guys can go." Veneer said.

"No we can see better from here. We are staying with you." Ash said sitting next to him.

Veneer smiled. They all stuck by him for the whole second half of the show. They really cared. Veneer felt cared for.

Veneer felt loved.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now