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Pretty soon before the show everyone started to panic.

They were just lazing around in the audience when all of Brozone walked in (including Poppy and Viva) and hugged Branch (who's always early) and Floyd.

"I don't like him being here." Said Veneer pointing at Branch.

"Because he shot us?" Roxie asked.

"Yeah he also carries around all those sharp little weapons...I don't know if I have ever told you this but I pass out every time I get a needle." Veneer said.

"Really? That's not good." Roxie said.

"Yeah his little arrows remind me of that. When he shot me I nearly passed out, only reason I stayed conscious was because I was so angry." Veneer said.

"God I hate that guy." Roxie said.

"Yeah me too." Veneer nervously fidgeted and they sat in silence. "Hey Rox?"

"Yeah?" Roxie said.

"I'm sorry for complaining about my parents when you don't even remember yours." Veneer said.

"It's ok you had every right to be angry with them. Thanks though." Roxie gave him a sad smile.

"If you don't mind me asking...what happened with your parents? All I know is your sister ran away from them to here with a toddler you." Veneer asked.

Roxie sighed.

"Well I don't really remember anything but this is what my sister told me. My dad passed before I was even born, my mom eventually met this new guy. He was really mean. My sister begged her to break up with him but she refused. So my sister took me and left. A few years later we got a call about my mom, she died and on a failed arson attempt. Guess we're a family of criminals." Roxie yapped.

"That's awful Roxie im so sorry." Veneer said.

"It's fine I don't even really remember my mom." Roxie said sadly looking like she was about to cry. "I wish I remembered more." She started to cry.

Veneer wrapped his arms around her.

"Well parents or not you turned out to be a really good freind." Veneer smiled at her. She beamed back at him and hugged him.

"Are you guys f#cking venting over there what is happening?" Said Ash.

"Emotions are ruining high ok Ash?" Roxie sobbed.

"Ok ok!" Said Ash. Ash wrapped Roxie and Veneer into a hug.

"We should probably head back to the dressing rooms." Said Violet.

They all got up, wished Ash and Ritz good luck, flipped off Alice and left.

"Brook stop waking so close to me." Said Velvet.

"Walk faster." Said Brook. Velvet shoved her and Brook shoved Velvet back.

"Stop you guys are both being annoying." Said Roxie.

"Shut up Roxie!" Velvet said.

"Don't you tell her to shut up!" Said Brook.

"Shut up Brook!" Said Velvet shoving her aside and walking away.

"UGH." Said Brook crossing her arms.

"You guys fight like siblings." Said Veneer.

"I wish I had siblings." Said Violet.

"Trust me you don't. Velvet drives me crazy." Said Veneer.

"You're the one who got us arrested!" Velvet yelled.

"You know I don't remember that..." Veneer said nervously.

"Ugh you're so annoying!" Velvet shouted at him.

"Stop fighting everyone!" Violet yelled.

"Who's everyone im not fighting." Said Roxie.

"Yes you are you're being a little instigator Roxanne." Said Velvet.

"Who me? An instigator? Nooo..." Roxie said smugly.

"Ugh you all are going to make me get sent back to prison!" Velvet said and then screamed into her pillow again.

Veneer searched for his phone but couldn't find it.

"I think I left my phone in the other room brb!" He said to Roxie. She nodded.

Veneer ran back to audience and saw Branch there with his bag full of arrows. Branch glared at him and Veneer froze. He grabbed his phone and without thinking ran to hide in a nearby storage closet.

He was heavily breathing and had no idea why and just curled up into a ball. Ritz opened the door and bent down to place his hand on Veneer's shoulder. He shut the door and turned on the closet light.

"Hey are you ok? Nervous for the show?" He asked. Veneer started shaking.

"I don't like that troll being here with all his weapons." Veneer said.

"Yeah he's really not supposed to bring those in. Don't worry we'll kick him out." Kid Ritz said.

Veneer wrapped his arms around Ritz and sobbed dramatically. Ritz was in shock but hugged him back. They sat there for a while as Veneer stopped sobbing and draped himself lazily over Ritz.

Ash knocked on the door.

"Umm what are you boys doing in there?" Ash asked suspiciously.

"Having a panic attack." Veneer said.

"Oh I thought y'all were making out or something." Ash said.

"Not yet." Kid Ritz joked. Veneer facepalmed and laughed.

"Oh my god just date already!" Ash yelled. "And come get ready for the show we need you for mic check Ritz."

"I have to go. You have to get off me." Ritz said.

"Noo I'm too lazyyyy..." Veneer whined.

Kid Ritz slipped out of Veneer's arms and left.

"Sorry. Break a leg." Ritz said and left.

Veneer collected himself and made his way back to the dressing room to fix his mascara. He smiled as he saw Branch getting kicked out by security.

"Veneer what happened your mascara is all smudged!" Brook said wiping away the smudged mascara and applying some of her waterproof mascara.

"I kinda had a mini freak out." Veneer said.

"Me too I threw up again." Said Violet.

"Yeah it was nasty." Said Velvet.

Roxie hugged Veneer.

"It's ok guys, we may have had a lot of setbacks but we got this!" Roxie said.

"Little Miss Liars you're on in five!"

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now