Velvet Fights Somebody

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Crimp was the last one to go for that day so everyone filed out. The gang all stormed over to the beret judge.

"Why did you choose HER." Said Roxie.

"I just think she has some real talent I can build on." Said the beret judge.

"What do you know about talent?" Said Velvet.

"More than you apparently." Said the beret judge. Velvet punched her in the nose.

"Yeah get her!" Yelled Roxie.

"Ow you broke my nose!" Said the beret judge. The judge punched Velvet in the stomach with one hand on her nose.

Soon the two of them were full on wrestling with the others cheering Velvet on.

"Woah woah woah stop fighting at my work-" Said Ash. "Oh wait you're fighting Alice? Oh that's fine she annoying asf."

"Get her Velvet!" Yelled Kid Ritz.

Velvet eventually won the fight, she was all scratched up but not nearly as much as the other guy. Veneer lifted his sister up.

"What is wrong with you?" Yelled Alice.

"Clearly a lot I'm an ex con." Said Velvet. Roxie high fived her.

"Velvet I think you're the coolest person I have ever met." Said Violet looking at her in awe.

"I know." Velvet said flipping her hair. "Let's get out of here." They all turned around.

"Velvet...even if she was really annoying you're going to get us fired or get sent back to prison!" Said Ash once they were out of the building.

"Don't worry Ash I'll make sure we don't get fired." Kid Ritz said. "We weren't the ones who beat her up."

"She beat me up too." Velvet whined. "And Crimp is going on to the next round."

"Don't worry Vel we're going to get our revenge of Crimp for getting you guys sent to jail and denting Brook's car." Said Roxie.

"But how?!" Said Brook.

"I have a plan." Said Violet. Everyone leaned in. "We join the competition."

"You mean we make a band!" Roxie said excitedly.

"Yes and we beat Crimp! We already have two guaranteed votes!" Said Violet pointing to Ritz and Ash.

"And one person who is guaranteed not to vote for us." Laughed Brook.

"We already have a lot of musicians as well! Roxie can play guitar and I can play the bass. Brook used to be in choir. Velvet and Veneer used to be pop stars so they already know how to perform." Said Violet.

"But we can't actually sing." Said Veneer.

"Yeah you're right." Said Violet. "No offense."

"But Velvet used to play the drums when we were little!" Said Veneer.

"You did?! Well why didn't you just do that to be famous?" Said Roxie.

"Because nobody gives a sh#t about the drummer!"Said Velvet.

"Yeah true." Said Roxie. "But you're gonna have to now because there is no way you can learn to sing in like a week."

Velvet crossed her arms. "Fine."

"Ok well what about Veneer?" Said Brook.

"Well I don't play any instruments and I can't sing." Said Veneer.

"I think you could sing well enough to do backup vocals." Said Brook.

"Yeah but it sort of feels weird to sing without Velvet singing too." Veneer said. "Besides I don't think I want to be a singer anymore."

"What really?!" Said Violet.

"Yeah I don't know I have been doing a lot of thinking and I still want to be famous but I don't think I ever really liked singing as much as Velvet." Said Veneer.

"Well I guess we can be girl group and whenever we need male vocals we could feature you in the song!" Said Brook.

"Yeah girl groups are in." Said Violet.

"Veneer if you want to be famous still you could be a model like me! You have the build for it!" Said Roxie.

"Yeah we can talk to some people and recommend you." Brook said.

"Yeah ok!" Said Veneer.

"Are you sure? It feels weird to perform without you." Said Velvet. "What if I totally mess up."

"You'll be fine. We're going to get our revenge." Said Veneer placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Ok let's go make a revenge girl band!" Said Violet.

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