Velvet Apologizes

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Veneer slowly gained consciousness and found himself lying on top of Kid Ritz's lap with Roxie sprawled across his lap.

"Good morning Veneer! Looks like we're kinda stuck." Whispered Kid Ritz.

"Yeah should I wake Roxie up or?" Said Veneer.

"She'll wake up soon enough." Said Kid Ritz. Veneer nodded.

Violet and Velvet had slumped over and their heads were dangling on the side of the bed. Velvet had put her arm around Violet which seemed to have prevented them from falling off.

"Aww I had no idea Velvet and Violet were so close." Said Kid Ritz.

"Velvet likes Violet because she's a massive simp and does sh#t for her." Said Veneer.

Roxie started to wake up and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh am I trapping y'all?" She said sleepily.

"Yeah." Said Veneer. "Move."

"Ok ok." Said Roxie and she rolled away.

"Did we all fall asleep?" Said Brook sleepily from the edge of the bed.

"Yeah." Said Kid Ritz stretching.

"AHH!" Screamed Violet. Veneer turned around to see Violet and Velvet had fallen off the edge of the bed. Veneer laughed at them.

"Shut up Veneer!" Said Velvet chucking a pillow at him. He chucked the pillow back at her. Roxie ran over to help them up.

"Thanks for actually being helpful Roxie." Said Velvet staring daggers at Veneer.

"Ow I think I got a concussion." Said Violet.

"No you didn't." Said Velvet.

"Ok!" Said Violet.

"You guys are sheep." Said Veneer.

"Am I the last one up?" Asked Ash sleepily.

"Yeah." Said Brook.

"Oh wait didn't Floyd want to talk to us over breakfast?" Asked Ash.

"Oh yeah. That guy is way too forgiving of y'all." Said Roxie.

"I'm not going." Said Velvet lying back down.

"You probably should Veneer apologized you haven't  yet." Said Kid Ritz.

"I don't want to." Said Velvet.

"Are you not guilty in the slightest?" Asked Veneer. Velvet went quiet.

"Hey I'm not guilty for my crime." Said Roxie.

"Yeah but you committed arson you didn't kidnap and torture a man." Said Ash.

"I would have kidnapped and tortured him if I had the chance." Said Roxie. Brook high fived her.

"That's my girl!" Said Brook.

"Yeah but he like hurt Brook, Floyd didn't do anything to Velvet and Veneer." Ash said

"Since when were you a trolls rights activist?" Asked Brook.

"I just feel like most Mount Rageons see trolls as pets, like the whole reason trollnapping and troll torture are illegal is because of an animal rights group." Said Ash.

"Yeah Veneer thinks they are pets but they are more like drugs." Said Velvet.

"That's even worse than saying they are pets." Said Ash.

"Ash you still haven't given proof they aren't pets." Said Brook.

"They have complex thought Brook!" Said Ash. "Pets don't talk."

"Are we sure they have complex thought? Seems like they are pretty stupid." Said Velvet.

"They literally beat you guys in a fight I think they are pretty smart." Said Ash. "Or you guys are just stupid."

Velvet chucked a pillow at her. Veneer crossed his arms.

"Kidding kidding." Said Ash. "But seriously just apologize Velvet."

"Yeah you should Floyd is nice." Said Roxie. Everyone else nodded.

"Alright fine you guys have succeeded in peer pressuring me." Said Velvet getting up off the bed.

Roxie hugged her. "Yay let's go!" She said.  They walked to Bruce and Sons.

Velvet look visibly nervous. Veneer placed his hand on her shoulder and she swatted him away.

"Hey!" Said Floyd.

"Hi!" They all said.

"Umm they said I should apologize to you. So sorry." Said Velvet. Ash facepalmed.

"But do you think you should apologize? Seems like you don't." Said Floyd annoyed.

"Don't you feel bad at all Vel?" Asked Veneer.

"Well I don't know ok?! I never really thought about it. I feel bad this whole thing hurt you but I don't even know this guy!" Said Velvet. Floyd looked very annoyed.

"Prison didn't change you at all." Said Floyd.

"I'll never change I'm the best." Said Velvet.

"Velvet your a piece of work." Said Roxie.

"Wow thanks Roxie." Said Velvet giving her a death stare.

Velvet sighed. "Look I'm sorry I got carried away." Said Velvet. "Almost killing you was too far."

"Well I'd say all of it was too far but thank you." Said Floyd.

"So tell us about the Brozone drama!" Said Violet.

"Yeah yeah!" Said Roxie.

"I already pretty much told you everything. If you want tea asked Poppy she knows everything." Floyd said pointing them in her direction.

"Ok!" Violet said and she and Roxie ran off.

"This is really awkward I'm going to go with them." Velvet whispered to Veneer. Veneer nodded.

"Sorry about them they think trolls are pets and I can't convince them otherwise." Said Ash.

"It's fine." Floyd said.

"It's really not." Said Branch appearing out of no where. "Floyd it's time you smacked some sense into these teens."

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