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"Ok let's go sit in the audience while they set up!" Roxie said. Everyone nodded and followed her.

"Hey guys!" Said Ash who was talking to some stage tech. "I hope you're not here to beg again."

"Nope we figured it out and now we don't need y'all!" Roxie said.

"Good. Hey what's up with you guys?" Ash pointed to Brook and Velvet glaring at each other.

"They're in a fight." Said Veneer rolling his eyes.

"Velvet? Veneer?" A voice said from behind them. Veneer turned around and saw his parents.

"Mom? Dad?" Veneer asked. Velvet whipped her head around as well.

"Oh my babies!" Their mom said wrapping them into a hug. Velvet shoved her away.

"What are you doing here!" Velvet yelled.

"We're here to see you preform sweetie!" Their dad said.

"You didn't come to see us preform at the rage dome. You didn't come to any of our other shows. You let us rot in jail. Why now?" Velvet said.

"Sweetheart you told us not to come to your shows because it was embarrassing..." Said their mom.

Their friends just watched with gaping mouths.

"You still left us to die in jail!" Velvet shouted angrily.

"Now now Velvet you kids needed to learn your lesson!" Their dad said waving his finger at her.

" didn't you come see us while we were in prison. You didn't even call..." Veneer said sadly.

"Well- ahem- you know we're very busy with work Veneer." Said their dad.

Velvet wrapped her arm around him to comfort him and glared at their parents.

"Get out." Velvet said angrily pointing towards the door.

"Ok sweetie...but please come by for Christmas ok? We got you tons of presents. We missed you so much." Said their mom.

"If you really missed us you would've called." Said Veneer looking down at his feet.

"I'm sorry baby...come here..." their mom said outstretching her arms.

Veneer didn't move. She put her arms back at her sides sadly.

"Look kids, just come by for Christmas and you don't ever have to see us again." Said their dad.

"We will consider it." Said Velvet.

Their parents nodded and walked off.

"CRIMP! Consider it for us!" Velvet yelled.

"I'm on it!" Said Crimp nervously.

"Those were your parents?!" Violet said.

"Yeah they are the literal worst!" Velvet said.

"I don't they seemed sorta nice. At least you have parents." Roxie said sadly.

"They didn't even call us in prison Roxie or afterwards. They're so disappointed in us..." Veneer said choking up. Roxie patted his shoulder.

"Wait Velvet and Veneer have parents?!" Said Brook.

"You didn't know that?!" Velvet said.

"No I thought you guys sort of just spawned like all twins." Said Brook.

"Brook honey that's not how twins work." Said Veneer.

"It's not?!!" Brook said like her whole life was a lie.

"Let's just focus on the show and not talk about our stupid parents!" Velvet shouted.

"Velvet..." Violet said putting her hand on Velvet's shoulder.

Velvet swatted it away.

"Don't be a b#tch Velvet." Said Brook.

"Hey the only one who can call my sister a b#tch is me!" Veneer said angrily.

"You're the b#tch!" Velvet shouted back at her.

"Guys stop it no more fighting." Roxie said. "This so going to be a disaster."

Veneer too had a bad feeling about the finale.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now