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Veneer had been avoiding Velvet, since she clearly didn't want to talk to him. She was right though, he did have Roxie.

They had spent the past week or so (he honestly forgot how long he had been here) together and it had been a blast. Veneer liked having a freind.

They made dance videos together and Roxie (unlike Velvet) thought his dance moves were cool. Roxie talked about how much she missed her friends and Veneer talked about what it was like being famous. They also gossiped a lot about the inmates.

Even though Velvet was giving Veneer the silent treatment, she still protected him from anyone who tried to mess with him. She just watched him and Roxie from a distance while trying to look like she wasn't watching.

Veneer was still really upset about all that happened but thankfully Roxie was a welcome distraction. Soon an even bigger distraction would come.

Veneer was sitting in his cell trying to avoid eye contact with Velvet brushing her teeth. All of a sudden a cop came and opened the cell door.

"Come with me Veneer, the judge wants to see you." they handcuffed Veneer and lead him out of the cell. Veneer looked helplessly at Velvet and she gave him a confused look.

"What's going on?" Veneer asked but the cop didn't answer. He wasn't thrown into the back of a van, terrified about what was going to happen.

"Veneer? The judge wants to see you too?" Roxie asked. Veneer breathed a sigh of relief that she was here too.

"Yeah! Do you know what's happening?" Veneer asked her. Roxie shook her head.

They arrived at the courtroom and were both seated next to each other.

"Roxie and Veneer." The judge said, still wearing sunglasses inside. He banged his gavel. Veneer felt his head drop in his chest. "I love your Rage-Tok videos man."

Veneer breathed another sigh of relief.

"Thank you!" Roxie chirped. The judge saluted her.

"You two are getting let out on good behavior." The judge said banging his gavel again.

Roxie squealed and hugged Veneer. The cops un cuffed the two and Roxie ran over to hug the judge.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" She squealed. The judge was taken aback but smirked at her.

"All in a days work." He leaned back in his chair. The  jury lady from when Veneer got sentenced rolled her eyes.

"What about my sister?" Veneer asked.

"Oh her? Yeah she's is NOT getting out anytime soon with the amount of people she's been fighting." The judge banged the gavel again. "Court dismissed!"

Roxie and Veneer got handed their regular clothes and Veneer finally changed out of the dusty ugly prison uniform in the court bathrooms.

As he looked at himself in the mirror he couldn't have been happier to finally be free.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now