Round One

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Velvet had been in a funk all morning. Veneer knew she was nervous but she refused to admit it.

"Velvet you've been acting weird. Are you nervous for auditions today?" He asked while she was getting food out of the freezer. She closed the freezer hooding a giant tub of ice cream.

"STOP ATTACKING ME!" She yelled and ran off to her room.

"Ok then...." Said Veneer. He pulled out his phone to text Roxie.

Veneer: Hey Rox can't wait to see you perform 2 nite
Roxie: Hiiiiii I'm super excited to perform but also rrly nervous. At least two judges will defo vote for us.
Veneer: dw you guys are gonna do great.

Veneer realized he should probably check up on the others since they all seemed very nervous.

Veneer: Hi Vi how are you?
Violet: I threw up I'm so anxious help
Veneer: Oh no dw you're going to be fine preforming is easy.
Violet: Yeah easy for u to say!!!! BRB gtg vomit again.

Violet seemed like even more of a mess them Velvet was. It was weird to Veneer that Velvet was nervous, usually she didn't get that way at all.

Veneer: Hi Brook you doin ok.
Brook: yeh jus a littel nervis

Through Brook's horrendously spelled message Veneer could decode she was a bit nervous too. The audition started in a hour or so and they needed to be there beforehand.

Veneer dragged Velvet out of her room and into the car. She had somehow ate all the ice cream in ten minutes. Velvet crossed her arms as he drove.

"I don't think this is a good idea." She said.

"Why not you guys have been practicing all week." Veneer said.

"Even when we were kids I never preformed without you and now I'm without the troll too!" Velvet grumbled.

"You always told me you wanted to go solo because I was annoying." Veneer said, annoyed.

"Well..." Velvet started.  She hesitated. "You are."  She went silent for the rest of the ride. Veneer rolled his eyes at her.

They pulled up the venue and Roxie was waiting outside.

"VENEER! Why aren't you answering my texts!" Roxie stormed up to him.

"Girl I was literally driving." Veneer said.

"Well, FLOYD is at the auditions!" Roxie yelled.

"WHAT?!" Yelled Velvet.

"Yeah he's here with some rock troll band. I told him this competition is only for people live here. Apparently he was here long enough to qualify for a dual citizenship!" Roxie said. "WHAT EVEN IS OUR GOVERNMENT?!"

"Wait hes here with another band?! That isn't Brozone?!" Said Veneer.

"Yeah and one of the band members is actual royalty!" Roxie said.

"He's here to get revenge on me isn't he!" Velvet yelled.

"Velvet the world doesn't revolve around you. But maybe." Roxie said.

"UGH." Velvet stormed inside.

"Woah woah woah don't do anything illegal sis!" Veneer said stepping in front of her.

"I'm not going to do anything illegal Veneer. MOVE." She shoved him to the side. "I'm trying to do a dramatic entrance."

Velvet did her dramatic and entrance. Veneer and Roxie did it with her.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now