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Roxie was sawing Velvet's house arrest monitor with a knife.

"It's not working!" Velvet yelled at her.

"Guys stop this is the worst idea ever." Said Ash.

"Here just let me do it." Velvet said taking the knife and sawing away.

"Velvet don't." Said Veneer.

"Shut up." Said Velvet as she continued sawing. "You don't know what it's like to be in this situation."

Veneer sadly walked away from her. She was right, he had no idea what she endured in prison or how it felt to be on house arrest.

"Guys I think it's time we tell you about the gig me and Ash got that we've been hiding from you." Kid Ritz said. Ash nodded.

"OMGOSH FINALLY!" Brook squealed in excitement. Ash switched on the TV. Velvet stopped sawing and watched.

"So you think you're talented!" Said the advertisement on TV. "Then you should audition for Mount Rageous Got Talent!"

It's showed Ash, Ritz and two others in the judges panel waving.

"OMG WHAT?" Brook screamed and hugged Ash.

"No way this is so cool!" Said Violet her eyes sparkling.

"Eh." Said Velvet as she continued sawing.

"Congratulations you guys omg!" Roxie hugged them both.

"Yeah! How did you end up being judges?" Veneer asked.

"Well I'm famous so they asked me and they said they needed a grumpy judge so I was like I know just the girl." Said Kid Ritz hooking arms with Ash.

"This is so awesome!" Said Brook still freaking out. "My girlfriend's the mean judge on a tv show!"

"You know it!" Ash winked at her.

"And since the auditions don't start for a while I thought we could all go on vacation to celebrate!" Kid Ritz said.

"Vacation!?" Said Violet excitedly.

"Yup! We are going to Vacay Island!" Ash said. Everyone started freaking out and group hugging expect for Velvet who was still focused on sawing.

"The hotel reservations are for next week so Velvet should be off house arrest by then and can come with." Said Kid Ritz.

Veneer thought he saw Velvet crack a small smile. But Roxie hugged her and she went back to frowning.

"We are going to Vacay Island!" Roxie screamed.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now