A Letter

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Veneer realized this is the first time he would be going to a concert and not performing. It felt a bit odd but he was excited nevertheless.

The house still felt empty and he was glad to be out of it tonight. He still hadn't slept at night alone yet and didn't want to.

He did take a lot of naps in the day though. The sleepover has throughly exhausted him.

But, he kept having crazy dreams, where Velvet put him inside a perfume bottle and shook him around. It made it hard to sleep for very long.

Veneer tried to cook but gave up and ordered food for dinner. He ate in silence, the only sound was the videos he watched on his phone.

Despite his better judgment he searched his own name. People seemed to really hate him and Velvet. Some people defended him though because at least he was honest at the end.

Some people didn't even care they were frauds and just liked the songs, people called them insensitive to Floyd for doing so.

But Veneer was ok with people hating. He deserved it. A pang of guilt rushed over him again. He never really did apologize to Floyd, and he had no way of getting in contact with him.

But, he did know how to get in contact with John Dory, after all they had sent him that fake letter. Veneer decided he would write an apology to Floyd and send it to John Dory, hopefully it would make it to Floyd.

As he got out and pen and paper, he realized he didn't even know what to say. How do you apologize to someone for kidnapping and torturing them? Trolls are forgiving creatures, but that's a lot to forgive.

Dear Floyd

He wrote, feeling anxiety wash over him.

I'm sorry for what I did. You don't have to accept my apology I just wanted to let you know I feel bad about how it all happened.

He paused for a second.

And thank you for what you said, about having the people around me like the real me. I made some new friends and they liked me for who I am, I could have never met them without you, so thanks.

Veneer smiled, Floyd would probably like his new friends.

I'm glad you and your brothers reunited. I hope me and Velvet's reunion goes just as good. I got let out on good behavior but she's still in there. She said she didn't want to see me again, but I'm hoping she changes her mind.

I know you don't like her and probably think I should forget about her, but I still care about her and I know deep down she cares about me too. Maybe someday she can accept the real Veneer.

Veneer felt tears welling in his eyes.

But anyways I'm making this too much about me. I'm sorry Floyd I really am. I'll never do anything like that again. Don't feel pressured to write back or anything, I hope things are going well for you.


Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now