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"Ok so since you're rich you probably don't know a-lot about jail. You're famous there is a high chance people are going to try and jump y'all at some point-" Roxie blabbed on and on about the unspoken rules of jail.

Veneer honestly wasn't paying attention to her yapping it was sort of like white noise. To Velvet it was more like nails on a chalkboard.

"Roxie- can we just eat lunch instead of talking about getting jumped?" Velvet snapped at her.

"Yeah probably a good idea." She dug her chopsticks into some ramen like substance that didn't even look like food.

"How can you even eat that what is wrong with you?" Veneer asked her.

"A lot of things clearly. I'm in Juvie." Roxie kept on eating. "Glad to see you returning to your normal self."

"Huh?" Veneer replied.

"I went to a lot of your concerts and you guys were always very sassy. For the first couple of days here you weren't really. But now you seem back to normal!" She beamed at him.

Veneer was dumbfounded, Roxie was kind of right, he hadn't been himself in this place.

"It's only been a couple days!" Velvet turned to stare at Roxie. "It feels like it's been years!"

"Don't worry, after a while you'll completely forget about the concept of time and space!" Roxie said without a thought behind her eyes.

"THATS NOT A GOOD THING!" Velvet slammed her head into the table.

"You knew you should really stop doing that you're gonna get concussed." Veneer said. Velvet groaned.

"Shut up it's all your fault we're even here."

"Why is it my fault? Your the one who-"

"Not this again." Roxie said slamming her head onto the table too. "You know I think this whole thing was your weird hairball assistants fault."

They both turned to look at her.

"You mean crimp?" Velvet asked.

" wasn't she technically an accomplice? Why isn't she in prison?" Roxie said not lifting her head from the table.

"Yeah! She should be here suffering like us!" Velvet said rage growing in her eyes.

"And if she knew all your crimes why didn't she report it sooner? And did she really have the authority to arrest you? Shes not a cop." Roxie continued.

"You know Roxie you're smarter than you look." Veneer patted her head.

"Thanks I guess?" Roxie lifted her head from the table. Velvet suddenly stood up from her seat.

"Where are you going?" Veneer asked her.

"I'm calling that attorney! We need to get Crimp arrested!" Velvet said angrily.

"So we are stuck here with her?" Veneer asked. "What good would that do, we're already stuck with this one." He pointed to Roxie who was trying to start a fire using chopsticks.

"She wouldn't get sent to Juvie she's a millennial!" Velvet made a "duh" face.

"God I hate millennials." Roxie said stabbing her chopsticks into her "food".

"Do we even have jail for adults here? Pretty sure they would just send her here."

Velvet sat back down.

"I will get my revenge." Velvet clenched her fists.

"You know I'm starting to regret telling her my crimp theory." Roxie said, and continued to try and make a fire.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now