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After the competition ended the girls decided to further their music career. Veneer was dubbed their choreographer, and backup for shows that needed an extra dancer or a male voice.

Ash and Ritz were done with the show but weren't worried about getting hired again. They would inevitably do a world tour show.

Everything seemed pretty perfect, but as Christmas approached Veneer couldn't stop thinking of his parents.

He had dreams of his parents shaking him around in the perfume bottle he had trapped Floyd in and would wake up in a cold sweat.

Sometimes after these nightmares he would text Roxie, who was usually up and would rush to his house to hangout. When he didn't feel like having a sleepover he would text Ritz or go to his sister.

But tonight he just sat there and thought about his parents. He missed them. He wanted to go and see them for the holidays. But he didn't want to face them without Velvet to be the strong one.

He would just have to convince her to go.

"Good morning Velvet! The best sister ever who does no wrong!" Veneer said hugging her. She was shocked for a second and then shoved him off.

"What do you want?" Velvet said.

"Umm what do you mean?" Veneer chuckled.

"You only act like this when you something." Velvet said rolling her eyes. She went to grab some food.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go see our parents this Christmas?" Veneer asked nervously.

Velvet paused. Veneer fidgeted nervously.

"Sure." She finally said, in a casual tone.

"Ok- wait what?!" Veneer said, shocked.

"I said sure idiot. But Roxie's coming with us." Velvet said.

"Wait what? Why is Roxie coming with us?" Veneer asked.

"She knows prison better than any of us. I want her to tell in depth to our parents how bad it was. Also their reactions when I bring an arsonist into their house will be priceless." Velvet laughed.

"Well I'll ask her...she might wanna stay with her sister." Veneer said texting Roxie.

"She'll say yes. Her sister's boyfriend will be there for Christmas and she hates him." Velvet said.

Veneer's phone pinged. "She said yes."

"Knew it. Crimp pack our bags!" Velvet shouted.

Veneer smiled. He was going to make things right with her parents. Or at least try to.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now