Fight With John Dory

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"Alight that's enough of that. You guys sound terrible." Said John Dory holding the microphone plug.

"Hey who are you to judge!" Said Roxie.

"Roxie that's the leader of Brozone!" Said Violet.


"John Dory!"

"Who's that?" Said Roxie.

"You don't know?!" Said John Dory, frowning.

"You know the old one!" Said Violet.

"Oh yeah the old one!" Roxie said.

"Hey I'm not that old!" Protested John Dory.

"Yes you are!" Said Violet. "And you're the reason the band even broke up in the first place!" John Dory lowered his head.

"How are our friends supposed to get better at singing if they don't get some practice!" Said Roxie.

"Yeah Velvet how are we gonna get better without practicing?" Said Veneer.

"Shut up." Said Velvet who went to sit back down. Veneer followed her.

"They can practice somewhere far away from my ears." Said John Dory.

"Hey-" Violet started but Veneer stopped her.

"It's fine don't defend us we were terrible." He laughed.

"Yeah but he doesn't gotta be mean about it!" Roxie said.

"You know what's mean? Kidnapping and torturing trolls!" Yelled John Dory.

"Ok you've got a point." Roxie said. John Dory nodded.

"Whatever you're like the worst Brozone member anyways." Said Violet.

"I wrote most of the songs!" John Dory protested.

"Yeah you also messed up all the performances. I saw a clip online of you guys getting tangled up. Sure Velvet and Veneer can't sing but they can preform." Roxie protested back.

"We are good at that." Veneer smiled at Velvet who just glared.

She seemed very embarrassed about her singing and sat there with her arms crossed. For the first time in his life Veneer saw Velvet try to make herself small rather than the center of attention.

"Whatever you teens don't know anything about life." John Dory said.

"You sounded really old right there John Dory." Said Violet. John Dory sighed.

"What's going on?" Kid Ritz whispered over to Veneer.

"They are beefing with that old guy." Whispered Veneer.

"IM NOT OLD!" John Dory yelled.

"Woah woah what's going on out here?" Bruce said walking over to them.

"Spruce! Velvet and Veneer's little cliche is harassing me!" Said John Dory.

"You started it!" Said Roxie like she was in a fight with her sister rather than some random troll.

"Ok first off it's Bruce and second off what are they doing to harass you?" Bruce asked.

"They keep calling me old!" Yelled John Dory.

"Well aren't you?" Asked Bruce. Roxie and Violet started laughing.

"See they're laughing at me! Kick them out!" John Dory said. They laughed harder.

"Whatever John." Said Bruce turning around to go do his job.

"Do you even care about me, your own brother!" John Dory yelled. The girls stopped laughing and the whole freind group leaned in to watch.

"Wow, you know I should really be asking you that question." Bruce said.

"Oooo." Went Roxie.

"Shut up I'm trying to listen." Said Velvet.

"What do you mean of course I care about you Spruce!" Said John Dory.

"You can't even get my name right!" Yelled Bruce.

"Well I would kick teens out for bullying you! Clearly you couldn't care less!" Yelled JD.

"Wow you're really letting these CHILDREN get under your big boy skin. Wooow." Bruce said. John Dory glared at him.

"Yeah! Go purple haired troll!" Said Brook. She turned to Ash. "Can we please keep him Ash?"

"No." Said Ash.

"They are literally trying to keep us a pets right now! And Branch overheard Velvet and Veneer conspiring about capturing us with the red head..." JD said.

"Woah woah hold up conspiring? It was more like an intervention!" Yelled Roxie.

"Kick them out already!" JD yelled.

"No they are paying customers and Floyd said he good with them. They haven't even bothered us!" Bruce said.

"Yeah well they are bothering me!" JD said.

"You know what you're starting to bother me troll!" Said Velvet. "You're just stupid you know that? You parked in the spot reserved for Brozone while trying to be sneaky."

Roxie and Violet started laughing again.

"You're stupid for ever trying to mess with my brother!" JD said.

"Wow I'm sooo scared." Said Velvet.

"Guys what's happening?" Floyd said walking over to them.

"Oh great it's you." Said Velvet sarcastically.

"John Dory is being arrogant!" Yelled Bruce.

"Sp- Bruce is being ignorant!" Yelled JD.

"That old guy is attacking us!" Said Velvet, Roxie and Violet nodded.

"IM NOT OLD!" Yelled JD.

"Everyone calm down. Let's be civil ok." Floyd said. JD grunted and stormed off.

"Wow real mature John." Said Bruce before also storming off. Floyd sighed.

"See what I have to deal with?" Floyd said.

"I'm sorry man." Said Veneer.

"That's rough." Said Roxie.

"I just don't know what to do. Everyone's fighting again, especially over you guys." Said Floyd.

"Sorry if we rocked the boat." Said Veneer.

"Nah this was bound to happen eventually." Floyd said sadly.

"Maybe it's time to go your separate ways?" Said Roxie.

"I can't do that to my little brother." Said Floyd. "And I don't want to split up."

"But you'll all have to go home eventually. Just stay in touch you know?" Said Violet.

"Yeah that's a good idea." Said Floyd. "Veneer and Velvet you made some good friends." Floyd smiled at them.

"Aww thanks." Said Roxie.

"Can I adopt you?" Asked Brook.

"Brook no!" Said Ash. Floyd laughed.

"I think we're gonna head to bed. We should chat tomorrow though." Said Veneer.

"Yeah I want to get to know you all better. Come by for breakfast. Good night!" Said Floyd walking off.

"Good Night!" Said everyone but Velvet.

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