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Veneer was so happy to be out of a prison for a total of five minutes. Soon reality came crushing in on him.

He didn't have Velvet, Crimp or Floyd and would be all alone in a big house. His yacht got repossessed, he probably had less money and his pet monkey got taken to an out of town zoo.

He didn't know how to do housework, like how to make food, how to do the dishes or laundry. Crimp did all that stuff. He didn't even know how to hire a new assistant!

What was he even gonna do now that he wasn't a singer? Everyone in jail minus Roxie hated him for what he did, did everyone outside jail hate him too?

He walked outside the courtroom, head spinning. Roxie was waiting up for him outside. She was wearing flared jeans with a lot of holes, beat up converse on their last legs and a black crop top that had an orange cat committing arson on it.

She was leaned casually up against the wall clearly not as panicked at Veneer, her eyes darting around presumably looking for her sister.

"Hey you ok?" She asked him. Veneer collapsed to his knees and was heavily breathing. Roxie worriedly crouched down next to him.

"I don't know what I'm going to do! I have never lived on my own before! Plus everyone hates me now!" Veneer cupped his face in his hands.

Roxie wrapped her arms around him and patted his head.

"I don't hate you! I can help you live alone! And we can have sleepovers every night if you don't want to be alone!" Roxie said enthusiastically. "Here."

She grabbed his hand and helped him up.

"My sister can give you a ride home once she gets here." Roxie handed him a sticky note. "Here's my phone number call if you need anything ok? You'll be fine ok?"

Veneer nodded.

A bright red beat up little car pulled up next to them. The car was driving way above the speed limits, but nobody in Mount Rageous really cared about those.

A girl who looked like an older, taller Roxie stepped out of the car. She had a very composed, cool expression...until she spotted Roxie.

"ROXIE!" She squealed and scooped Roxie up into her arms.

"MOXIE!" Roxie squealed back and hugged her sister until she struggled to breathe.

"I'm so happy you're out! I can't believe the guards let you have a phone and didn't let you text! You missed so much I'm going to have to fill you in on everything..." Moxie blabbed on and on much like Roxie. Clearly they were cut from the same cloth.

Moxie stopped talking abruptly when she noticed Veneer. She stared at him in disbelief. Veneer was terrified, he thought she definitely hated him, but soon a smile grew on her face.

Moxie squealed again and scooped Veneer up as well.

"OMG! When I saw Roxie's dance videos with you I thought she was lying! But you really are friends!" Moxie squealed squeezing Veneer and Roxie.

"Why would I lie Moxie? You need to have more faith in me." Roxie said, offended Moxie didn't trust her.

Moxie put Veneer and Roxie down. Veneer was still trying to catch his breath.

"Not since the trampoline incident." Moxie opened the car door.

"The trampoline incident?" Veneer asked Roxie.

"I'll explain later." Roxie walked towards the passenger side door. "What are you waiting for get in the car!"

"Right!" Veneer walked from the sidewalk and into Moxie's car.

"So, where to?" Moxie asked.

"Home." Veneer said dramatically.

"Yeah I know, but like where is that?"

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now