Round Two

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It was finally time to face off against Crimp. If Little Miss Liars could make it past this round and then the next, they could make it to the semifinals.

But the most important part of this round was beating Crimp. Veneer drove Velvet to the venue again. She was noticeably more calm this time.

"You ready to make Crimp regret ever crossing us?" Said Veneer.

"I'm gonna make her regret even being born." Said Velvet. They stepped out of the car and did another dramatic entrance.

"Hey guys!" Roxie wrapped them both in a hug. "Ready to beat Crimp? We've been intimidating her backstage."

"Let's go." Said Velvet waltzing backstage with Roxie and Veneer in tow.

"Oh no." Said Crimp once she say them. Brook and Violet who were laughing at her stopped and ran to hug them.

"Hey!" Said Violet.

"Hi Vi." Said Velvet. She looked down at Crimp. "Oh it's you."

"Hi Velvet and Veneer, how cool is it you're in a band now Velvet..." Crimp said.

"Drop the act we know you wrote we are talentless hacks in your diary. Well look at me now!" Velvet said.

"You're still talentless hacks." Said Crimp.

"EXUSE ME?" Said Veneer. Velvet gasped.

"Oh I'm going to beat your a#s."Said Roxie cracking her knuckles.

"Wait just a minute Roxie. Why don't we make a deal Crimp?" Said Velvet.

"A deal?" Crimp said, shaking.

"A bet if you will. If you beat us, we never speak to you nor go near you again. If we beat you-" Velvet started.

"You go to prison!" Roxie chimed in.

"You have to become our assistant again." Velvet said.

"Oh that's even worse!" Said Roxie.

"All of our assistant. Me, Veneer and the whole band." Said Velvet.

"Sis you're a genius!" Veneer said.

"I know." Velvet did a hair flip. "So what will it be Crimp."

"Take the deal Crimp! Also you have to pay for my car repairs if we win!" Brook said.

"Take it! Take it!" Violet chanted.

"Don't take it Crimp that's stupid." Said Floyd from out of nowhere.

"Where the heck did you come from? And why defend her I thought you hated her a#s!" Said Roxie.

"Yeah well at least she was nice to me! I don't want her to be trapped in a thankless toxic job!" Said Floyd.

"I'll take it." Crimp finally said.

"Good we have a deal then." Said Velvet. She and the others walked off dramatically.

"Crimp why on earth would you take it?" Floyd said.

"I know I can beat her. I have to show them who's In charge now, I'm not afraid of them anymore." Said Crimp. Velvet rolled her eyes.

"Velvet you've got to be my favorite female manipulator!" Said Violet looking at her in awe and grasping onto her arm.

"I'm not a manipulator!" Velvet yelled.

"Bet your therapist would say other wise." Said Roxie sticking her tongue out at Velvet.

"Roxie I'll bite you again." Said Velvet barring her teeth.

"No not again!" Roxie said jumping back.

"Guys they said were on in 5! 4..3..2-" Brook said.

"On in five means five minutes not seconds Brook." Said Veneer.

"Ooooh." Said Brook.

"Have fun guys." Said Veneer.

"You should perform with us!" Roxie said.

"Wait what? You can't just decide this five minutes till showtime!" Said Veneer.

"But you're our choreographer you know all the steps!" Said Roxie.

"I will if you guys make it to the semifinals or finals how's that?" Said Veneer.

"Okay! Bye!" Said Roxie. Veneer waved goodbye.

They went on and were great! The lighting tech did better this time thanks to Veneer's not so constructive criticism.

The votes came in and everyone but Alice voted a yes. They had progressed to the third round. Veneer hugged them as they ran backstage towards him.

Crimp was there waiting to go on looking incredibly scared.

"Good luck following that." Said Brook.

"You guys are actually really good." Said Floyd, getting ready with his band to go on after Crimp.

"Guess I don't need your useless talent after all." Said Velvet.

"Wow rude." Said Floyd. Velvet glared at him.

Crimp pulled out her ukulele and started to play. As soon as she hit the first couple of notes Ritz and Ash gave her an X.

Alice gave her a yes and so did the blue haired judge.

"Bro why did you give her a yes now it's a tie!" Said Ritz.

"Why not I'm feeling nice!" Said the blue haired judge.

"The song sucked as#! And maybe we should've had five judges to avoid ties!" Said Ash.

"Well according to the rules, a tie means Crimp can progress but has a handicap next round!" Said Alice smiling at her.

"What rules?" Said Ash.

"The rules of the show!" Said Alice.

"They sound like really stupid rules!" Said Ash.

"Whatever Ash. See you next round Crimp!" Alice said.

"Oh I'm so going to get her and that dumb judge!" Said Velvet breaking her drumsticks in rage.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now