Thanksgiving (and an interview with Branch)

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The finales were after thanksgiving so for the now they were all on break. Branch and Poppy stayed in town which left everyone a bit on edge.

After Roxie had fallen over on stage due to Branch's random attack people on the internet began to attack him.

Veneer saw hate videos coming out on Branch and watched all of them while smiling. Kid Ritz even talked about it on TV that day.

"Branch, former member of the boy band Brozone shot an arrow at Roxie of Little Miss Liars during the bands semifinals performance. Who is Branch? And why did he do this?" Kid Ritz said.

He was talking about it on his interview show, attempting to get to the bottom of why Branch did this. He had brought Branch for an interview.

Veneer and Roxie were watching the interview at Veneer's house.

"Branch welcome!" Kid Ritz said as he walked in.

"Booo!" Roxie yelled at the TV. Veneer threw a chip at Branch's face on the TV and Crimp ran to pick it up.

"Hi." Branch said angrily and sat down.

"Tell us about yourself!" Kid Ritz said.

"Well I lived with my brothers until they left and then my grandma got eaten-" Branch started.

"No no not that boring stuff. Tell us about Brozone!" Kid Ritz said.

"Oh Brozone. Honestly I don't remember all that much since I was a baby when it happened. I remember it ended badly." Branch said. Kid Ritz nodded.

"Let me just rip the bandage off her Branch...why did you shoot an arrow at my friend?" Kid Ritz said.

"Veneer kidnapped my brother Floyd I had to defend my brother Bruce's home and children." Branch said.

"Naw he was just jealous!" Velvet yelled at the TV from the other room.

"No not Veneer. Roxie. What did she do to you?" Kid Ritz asked.

"Yeah what did I do!" Roxie yelled throwing a chip at the TV. Crimp ran to pick it up again. Veneer threw a chip at Crimp.

"I wasn't aiming for her." Branch said.

"Who were you aiming for? Veneer?" Kid Ritz asked.

"Sounds like he has pretty sh#t aim." Velvet said sitting down next to them and stealing some chips.

"No Velvet. She was threatening Floyd backstage." Branch said. The crowd gasped.

"I was not! It was standing my ground!" Velvet shouted. Roxie nodded and Veneer rolled his eyes.

"You all are sheep! You're really just gonna let her preform again when she didn't even apologize!" Branch stood up and yelled the audience.

"Velvet you really should make an apology video..." Veneer said.

"Shut up I'm trying to watch." Velvet said.

"You've been taking the most Velvet." Roxie said. Velvet placed her hand over Roxie's mouth.

"Ok that's enough out of you. What were you thinking?! Velvet and Roxie are going to press charges! You sabotaged the performance!" Kid Ritz said.

"Press charges? I don't think the courts are gonna believe two convicted criminals over someone with a squeaky clean record!" Branch said.

"Yeah wait till you see how we do justice in Mount Rageous! You're gonna get sued so hard!" Kid Ritz said.

"Whatever." Said Branch.

"You know what get off of my show man!" Kid Ritz said shooing him away. The camera panned away from Branch and towards Ritz. "Anyways is thanksgiving today and I'm thankful for money. See you after the break!"

"Oh he's gonna get sued alright." Velvet said shutting off the TV.  She got up from the couch and walked toward her room. "CRIMP. Call my lawyer!"

"Well that was weird." Roxie said.

"Yeah what is wrong with that guy?" Veneer said. Roxie shook her head in disbelief.

"You ready for friendsgiving at Violets?" Roxie asked. Veneer nodded.

"Yeah I don't think I have ever been to her house."
Veneer said.

"Well she moves around a lot." Roxie said. Veneer nodded. "Anyways her mom is going somewhere with her boyfriend's family so it'll be just us kids."

"Cool." Said Veneer.

They hung out a bit longer and mostly just lazed around until it was time to leave. They went to grab Velvet who was yelling at Crimp as the assistant filed a lawsuit against Branch.

Velvet, Veneer and Roxie all brought some store bought cookies and appetizers because they cannot cook.

The trio rang the doorbell to Violets humble little duplex. The purple haired girl answered the door excitedly.

"Come in! I can't believe Velvet is at my house..." she said. Velvet rolled her eyes.

The place was nice, a bit simple for Veneer's taste but it had some boho chic furnishings he liked.

"Come sit! You're the first ones here!" Violet sat on the couch and patted the seat next to her. The doorbell rang again and she got up to go answer it.

"Hi!" Brook said wrapping Violet into a hug. Ash, who was holding a bunch of food, walked in and to placed it on the table.

They all ate appetizers for a bit until Kid Ritz showed up. Violet had specifically curated seating arrangements but Veneer had a feeling Roxie was behind it.

Roxie was the shipper of the group and had sat all her ships together. Veneer had no idea why she was so determined to be the seventh wheel and when he asked her she said "coaches don't play."

Veneer knew that was a lie due to the sheer amount of prison guards he had seen her flirt with.

Thanks to Roxie, he was now sat next to Kid Ritz.

Before they ate Roxie tapped her glass.

"I just want to thank you all for being here for me this year, even was I was incarcerated. It really means a lot." She said and lifted for glass for a toast.

Everyone did the toast and finally started eating. After a bit of taking and laughing there was a ring at the doorbell.

"I'll get it!" Violet ran to get the door. She opened the door and standing outside was a man Veneer did not recognized.

But the look on everyone but his and Velvet's faces was enough to go off of. This was Brook's ex, and not just any of her exes, THE ex.

The one who got his house burnt down by Roxie.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now