Branch's Attack

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"Branch what good is it going to do to go around beating up teenagers?" Asked Floyd.

"This kind of good!" Branch said as he shot an arrow and hit Veneer in the arm.

"OW!" He screamed. Velvet, Roxie and Violet rushed over.

"Omg you're bleeding what happened!" Roxie said.

"That emo guy shot an arrow at me!" Yelled Veneer.

"Hey the only one who can bully my brother is me!" Yelled Velvet. She grabbed Branch and shook him around.

"I didn't meant to hit him I was just trying to scare him off!" Branch yelled.

"Yeah sureee!" Said Velvet sarcastically.

"Hey put him down!" Yelled Floyd.

"He just attacked Veneer!" Kid Ritz shouted.

"Attacking him back will do no good!" Said Floyd. "Let's just go get Veneer some first aid and I'll talk to Branch ok?"

"Velvet put him down you're crushing his ribs!" Said Ash.

Velvet reluctantly placed Branch down who was heavily breathing at this point. She rushed over to Veneer and she and Roxie helped sit him up on a chair.

Ash pulled a first aid kid out of her bag, yanked out the arrow and stopped the bleeding.

"Is he going to make it?" Asked Velvet.

"Velvet it was a very small arrow." Said Ash placing a very small bandage on Veneer's arm. "He's going to be fine."

"I think I see a light!" Said Veneer. Ash facepalmed.

"You guys are so dramatic." Said Ash.

"Sorry man I didn't mean to hit you." Said Branch.

"You still shouldn't just be shooting arrows around!" Yelled Roxie.

"Yeah she's right Branch what was that!" Said Floyd.

"I was just defending you from them!" Said Branch.

"I don't need your protection I'm the older brother I can handle myself." Said Floyd.

"You almost killed me!" Yelled Veneer.

"Oh please I barely scratched you." Said Branch.

"I will crush you under my heel." Said Velvet angrily.

"You know what? We're leaving today and giving this place the worst yelp review known to man." Kid Ritz said.

"Yeah! Bye!" Said Brook.

"Wait please don't give us a bad review!" Yelled Bruce.

"Too bad so sad." Said Brook.

"Bye Brandy!" Roxie waved to her and she waved back.

"Wait you know that lady?" Violet asked.

"She's so cool I want to be her when I grow up. Minus the kids." Said Roxie as she walked out.

Kid Ritz lifted Veneer up.

"He can still walk you know." Said Ash.

"No no I don't want to walk." Veneer said.

They got back to their rooms and packed up their stuff.

"I'm sorry you go attacked this was supposed to be fun." Kid Ritz placed Veneer on his bed and started packing his stuff for him.

"Do you think we are being too dramatic?" Asked Veneer.

"No how can we know he won't try and attack us again? These trolls are CRAZY!" Said Velvet.

"Are you ok?" Roxie asked him.

"I'm fine but I definitely think we aren't welcome." Said Veneer. Roxie nodded.

They all piled into the car. Floyd walked up the Veneer.

"Umm bye Floyd, it's kinda clear y'all don't want us to be here so we're gonna head out." Said Veneer.

"Yeah that's probably for the best. We really don't. Bye!" Said Floyd. Veneer waved and got into the car in the same spot he was the way there.

"I'm writing that yelp review!" Said Velvet. Veneer looked over her shoulder.

This establishment is absolutely terrible. From the first time we got here we were met with absolute disrespect from the owners and their family. They spied on us in our hotel rooms, shot arrows at us one of which hit my brother in his arm, didn't let us do karaoke like the other customers and insulted our singing. One of the owners brothers even verbally attacked our friends and tried to kick us out for no reason. Never coming back wish I could give zero stars.

"Wow you went full Karen nice." Said Roxie looking back at Velvet's review.

"Thanks Velvet." Said Veneer smiling at her. She smiled back.

"The only one who can injure you is me!" Velvet said.

"Well back to Mount Rageous it is." Said Ash.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now