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Veneer was zoned out for most of the car ride. Moxie would occasionally ask him a question and Roxie would occasionally make an inside joke, but the sisters mostly talked amongst themselves.

It was obvious they missed each other and really cared for each other. He wished Velvet cared for him as much as Roxie's sister cared for her. He thought she did care, but maybe he was wrong.

The car pulled up to his and Velvet's modern mansion of sorts.

"Here we are!" Moxie leaned back to smile at Veneer. He faked a smile back.

Roxie opened the car door for him and helped him out.

"M'lady." She said. They both laughed.

Roxie walked Veneer to the door.

Roxie frowned at him again. She knew something was wrong. Veneer stared up at the door, it was one of those doors with a PIN number.

He types it in and the door opened.

"Well uh..bye Roxie." Veneer said awkwardly. Roxie wrapped him into a hug.

"Bye Veneer! We should hangout sometime real soon! Text me later ok!" Roxie said squeezing him tightly.

"Okay I will! Can I breathe now?" Veneer wheezed.

"Oh sorry." Roxie released him and patted his head. "Im really glad we got put in Juvie together! See you later!"

Roxie skipped off towards her sister. Veneer waves her goodbye and stepped inside the house.

It was so empty, quiet. Velvet wasn't screaming, Crimp wasn't wining in the closet, and Floyd wasn't  yelling to go home.

For a bit Veneer really enjoyed the quiet. He immediately grabbed some real food from the fridge and collapsed on his bed. He slept for a good three hours, the best sleep he ever had.

But after a while, it got sort of lonely. Veneer decided to watch some tv so the quiet wouldn't be so eerie.

Bop on Top was on TV, Kid Ritz was talking to some new celebrity. Veneer honestly didn't care. He changed the channel to bad reality TV.

He tried to focus on the manufactured drama on the screen but he couldn't get his mind off the real drama in his life.

He wished Velvet could have come home too, and that everything could go back to normal. But he also was sort of glad things weren't like normal, and that she wasn't here.

It made him feel guilty for being a little happy his sister wasn't around. Eventually Veneer shut off the TV and just stared off into space.

He thought that confessing to his crimes would make him feel better, but he honestly still felt just as bad. And now Velvet hated him. Now the whole world did.

Veneer slumped down onto the couch. He felt like crying but honestly didn't have the energy. He fell asleep for another good hour until he was awoken by his phone buzzing.

He groggily reached for his phone. It was Roxie calling. He picked up the call.

"Hey! How are you doing!" Roxie asked.

"I'm ok. How about you?" Veneer lied.

"I'm great! Hey so, I'm having a sleepover at my place tonight to reunite with my friends. You should come! I mean if you want of course." Roxie asked.

"Yeah sure." Veneer replied trying to sound cool.

"Great! I'll send you my address, be there at like five!" Roxie hung up the call.

Veneer was excited, he had never been to a sleepover before. He started to pack his bags, packing way too much stuff because he had no idea what to bring.

Then he passed out on the couch again until five.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now