Visting Velvet

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Veneer was having the time of his life with his new friend group. They mostly hung out at his house because it had cool stuff in it or Roxie's house because it was near all the cool places (and because of her cat).

But today everyone was busy. Kid Ritz and Ash both got hired to work on something but they won't spill the beans. Roxie had a modeling shoot and Brook had to help fit her clothes for it. Violet was getting over a cold

So Veneer was by himself with his thoughts, which he hated. He went outside in the morning to check the mail, inside the box was a postcard that said "Wish You Were Here!"

He took it inside the house and flipped the card over.

Dear Veneer,

I was overjoyed to receive your letter! If the trolls can forgive the Bergens for eating them, I think I can forgive you.

I'm glad that you're making friends!  They seem nice. Things are going well for me, I'm happy to be with my brothers. We don't fight nearly as much thankfully.

I think you should go visit Velvet in prison if you're worried about her. Even if I don't like her very much, I think you're right and some part of her cares about you.


Veneer felt overjoyed that Floyd forgave him, even though he felt like he didn't really deserve his forgiveness.

He thought about what Floyd said about visiting Velvet. He decided that's what he would do today. It was visitation hours soon so he decided to head out.

He felt more anxious than ever when driving to the prison. He hadn't even called his sister. She said she didn't want to see him. She didn't even know he was coming.

He went through all the procedures before finally getting in to visit. He watched as the cops lead Velvet to the other side of the glass. Her eyes widened when she saw him.

"Hi Vel-" Before Veneer could finish she ran off. He slumped down. Of course she didn't want to see him.

But then he saw her running towards him with the guards chasing her. She wrapped her arms around him. Veneer was in shock.

"I really missed you." She said. He hugged her back and they both started crying. Everyone was staring but they didn't really care.

The guards pulled Velvet away. She clasped Veneer's
hand and then was pulled away. The guards placed her back down behind the glass. She glared at them.

She turned to Veneer with a soft look on her face he had never seen. Being here alone had shaped her into a different person almost.

"Veneer...I'm sorry. I didn't mean it when I said I never wanted to see you again. And you didn't betray me ok? Honestly I'm the one who betrayed you." Velvet said tears welling up in her eyes.

"No I did betray you, I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you I just couldn't go on being a criminal. We were going to get exposed anyways." Veneer said.

"Yeah I get that now." Velvet wiped her tears away and the twins smiled at each other.

"How are things on the outside?" Velvet asked.

"Ok. People stare a lot and I think everyone hates us. But I have been hanging out with Roxie and Kid Ritz and their friends. At least they don't seem to hate us." Veneer said.

"Has everyone forgotten about us?" Velvet asked. She looked almost afraid when she said it. Like being forgotten was the worst thing that could happen to her.

"No." Veneer said. Velvet looked relived.

"Visiting time is up." Said a guard behind Veneer.

"Bye Veneer. Come see me again ok?" Velvet said.

"Are you going to be ok?" He asked.

"I survived this long." She said.

"You don't look so good. I don't want to leave you here." Veneer said.

"I'll be fine you idiot. See you later." She said as the guards pulled her away.

When Veneer got home he decided to write back to Floyd now that he had his actual contact information.

Dear Floyd,

Thank you for your advice, I saw Velvet today and she actually apologized to me. I think prison has taught her a lot, but I still feel bad about leaving her there.

I'm glad you and your brothers are doing ok. Tell them I'm sorry for what we did to them.


Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now