The Ex

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"Violet." Said Brook's ex as he shoved past her and walked into the house. "New place I see. Just as shabby as the last one."

"What are you doing here Jake." Ash snarled at him. Jake smirked at her.

"Don't worry I'm  not here for Brook. I'm here for Roxie. I have a bone to pick with you." Jake said sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Why are you choosing to do this now I got out of jail in summer." Roxie said rolling her eyes.

"Because you're famous now and I did not care about you before!" Jake said.

"Get out of my house!" Violet yelled.

"Yeah scram!" Ash said.

"Ok ok let's calm down ladies. I just wanted to warn Roxie." Jake said.

"Warn Roxie about what?" Ash said moving closer to him.

"Be careful who you trust Roxie. Don't make the same mistake Brook made when she trusted me." Jake said.

"Wait who is this guy?" Velvet asked.

"My ex. He cheated on me with 15 other girls and stole like 10 dogs and a lot of jewelry." Brook said.

"Can he like get out? He's annoying." Velvet said.

"Yeah leave!" Violet yelled.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have opened the door. Brook your friends are as stupid as you are!" Jake laughed.

"Hey! Me and Velvet aren't stupid!" Ash said.

"What about the rest of us?" Veneer asked.

"Sorry to say it but you guys are dumb as rocks." Ash said. Velvet nodded.

"Wait wait I almost forgot about you guys! Velvet and Veneer! The frauds! It's crazy how fast fame turns into irrelevance!" Jake laughed.

Velvet got up out of her seat and tied up her hair.

"Oh sh#t you've done it now." Roxie said. Velvet punched him square in the face.

"Velvet don't! He's a really good fighter!Ash and Roxie have fought him like fifty times and have never won!" Brook yelled.

"You expect me to believe that Brook? He's built like spaghetti." Velvet said.

"Velvet were ALL built like spaghetti!" Veneer said. Jake punched her back and she fell to the ground.

"Hey keep your nasty hands off of her!" Roxie shouted as she lifted up a chair and smashed it on his head.

Jake tried to get up but Violet kicked his ankles. Ash tried to pull him out the door but he kicked her to ground. Brook watched in horror.

Kid Ritz and Veneer ran over to Velvet who was out on the floor. She had slammed her head on the corner of the table.

"Velvet wake up!" Veneer shook her around.

"I'll grab her an ice pack!" Kid Ritz said casually getting an ice pack as Violet, Roxie and Ash fought with Jake in the background.

Veneer placed the ice pack on his sister's head and she began to regain consciousness. She sat up and Veneer helped her onto a chair.

"What the hell happened?" Velvet asked him. "Why are they fighting?"

"We're trying to get Brook's ex out of the house. He kinda just walked in." Ritz said.

"I wasn't asking you I don't like you." Velvet said. Ritz hung his head low and walked sadly away to join the fight.

"Don't worry sis you hit your head on the edge of the table but you're gonna be fine!" Veneer ran off to join his friends and Velvet followed him to wack Jake with her ice pack.

They were all beating up Jake (expect for Veneer who cannot fight) and actually started wining. Brook however refused to join, and only watched in silence.

"Brook they need you." Veneer said.

"But I don't know if I can fight him. Roxie and Ash defend me from my exes because I don't want to be mean." Brook said.

"Brook he cheated on you with 15 different girls. He's trespassing in your friend's house. You have a right to be mean." Veneer said.

Brook nodded, gave him a hug and ran to help the gang. They all dragged Jake out of the house and threw him on the porch.

"Stay away from me and my friends!" Brook yelled at him.

"Why do you always take everything so-" Brook slammed the door in his face before Jake could finish.

They picked everything up, Violet disinfected the house, and they laughed about all the dumbs things her had said.

But Veneer could see worry growing on Roxie's face.

"Veneer when you were taking care of Vel, he promised he would get revenge on me, that he had a plan in the works." Roxie said. Veneer patted her shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it's a bad plan."

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now