Band Practice

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"Hi!" Violet and Brook said.

"Hi guys ready for practice?" Asked Veneer.

"Yup!" Said Violet. "Oh Roxie you're already here?" Roxie and Velvet were looking at their phones on the couch.

"She practically lives here with how many sleepovers she and Veneer have. I always get woken up with them doing something stupid at 3am." Said Velvet.

"Hey my therapist said I have separation anxiety! I need to be near!" Said Roxie. "Also speaking of therapy I signed you up for it last night Velvet."

"You WHAT?!" Velvet yelled.

"Yeah that was the something stupid we did at 3am." Said Veneer.

"You knew about this? You can't just sign me up for sh#t that's illegal!" Velvet yelled.

"Velvet since when did you care about the law." Said Brook sitting next to Roxie.

"Since now!" Yelled Velvet.

"Well we can have a drummer who's a narcissist it's a bad look. You're going." Said Roxie. "Oh I signed you up too Veneer."

"Roxieeeee." Veneer groaned.

"Ok let's talk about Roxie signing people up for sh#t later! We have only a week to practice." Said Violet plugging in the instruments.

"What songs are y'all gong to play?"'asked Veneer.

"Before I had you to hangout with I wrote a lot of songs in prison whenever I was bored. Velvet edited a few to make them 'stage worthy'" said Roxie.

They started playing and were fairly good in Veneer's opinion. Velvet was a bit rusty since she hadn't played the drums since the she was 13. Brook forgot some words while singing. But all in all they were good.

"Wow great job guys!" Veneer said clapping. Velvet slumped down on the drum set.

"This is so much workkkkk." Velvet groaned.

"You're doing great just keep on going." Violet said like a motivational poster of some sort. She handed Velvet a water bottle.

"Let's take five." Said Roxie taking the guitar off of her and laying on the couch next to Veneer. The others did as well.

"It's so surreal I'm friends with Velvet and Veneer." Said Violet. "And it's even more surreal the reason for that is my childhood bestie met them while she was locked up."

"Yeah I never expected to be in prison. But I'm kind of glad I got arrested? Because if I didn't I wouldn't be here with you guys." Said Veneer.

"I'm not glad. I wish things were the way they were before." Said Velvet. "But things aren't as bad as they could've been."

"Where is this deep philosophical sh#t coming from you three?" Roxie laughed. Violet and Veneer laughed as well.

"No idea." Said Violet. "Hey so do you guys wanna do a freinds giving thing for thanksgiving?"

"Oh yeah I forgot that was coming up. Yeah sure I think my sister is going to do that too so I'm free." Said Roxie.

"I'm not exactly jazzed to see the parents who let me rot in jail." Said Velvet. "I'm in."

"Well I don't want to face my parents alone so I'm in too." Said Veneer.

"Me and Ash can come we have no plans." Said Brook.

"Ok cool! I'll text Ritz later." Said Violet.

"Ready to start again!" Said Roxie leaping up.

"Yeah!" Said Brook and Violet.

"No!" Said Velvet.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now