Spied On

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Veneer woke up before the girls did. He stretched and got ready for the day quietly as to not wake them.

He remembered one time as kids when he accidentally woke up Velvet. She got spooked and smacked him in the face with a pillow. It gave him a broken tooth and he vowed to never wake her up again.

That memory unearthed another of them putting on shows for their parents. Their parents seemed so proud then but looking back Veneer realized they were pretending to enjoy it.

He missed preforming with his sister a bit, especially the way it was back then when they didn't realize how bad they were. They were just having fun, no need to be perfect.

He decided to go see if any of the others were up. Kid Ritz was away and sitting on the porch area of his room eating a breakfast spread.

"Hey! Come get some of this breakfast!" Kid Ritz waved him over.

"Hi good morning!" Veneer smiled at him and got some food.

"Good morning to you too!" Kid Ritz said. His smile turned to a frown. "Hey I'm sorry if the vacation isn't fun for you, you know with all the Brozone stuff. I really wasn't expecting them to be here."

"No you're fine! I've actually been having a lot of fun!" Veneer said patting Ritz's arm. Ritz beamed at him.

"Good I'm glad!" Kid Ritz said. "You know I'm glad you just being yourself even with Velvet being back. You used to act really different around her."

"Yeah I guess I did. I think I just don't feel the need to impress her anymore or whatever. She already hates me." Veneer said.

"Why do you think she hates you?" Kid Ritz asked. "I mean sure she's a bit prickly but she clearly really loves you. I just think she doesn't know how to show it."

Veneer had never really thought about it like that. He just thought she didn't want to show her love or had no love to show. But perhaps Velvet just didn't know how to.

"Yeah you'rere probably right." Veneer smiled.

"I'm an expert in all things sisters. I'm the youngest of five and all my older siblings are girls." Said Kid Ritz.

"Oh really I had no idea." Veneer said.

"Yeah I don't really talk about them much because half of them were moved out of the house by the time I was actually remembering things." Kid Ritz said.

Veneer nodded.

"Hey guys!" Said Brook.

"Hey only child we are talking about our sisters." Said Kid Ritz.

"You guys are so lucky to have sisters my childhood was so boring." Brook groaned.

"No we're not." Said Kid Ritz. "Sisters are mean." Veneer nodded again.

"What's this about sisters being mean? I'm a sister." Said Roxie coming from nowhere and grabbing some food.

"Well you're a younger sister so you're more annoying than mean." Said Ash also appearing from nowhere.

"Wow thanks Ash." Said Roxie sarcastically.

"What are you guys yapping about it's so early." Violet groaned waking out of her room like a zombie and slumping down on and table.

"Violet it's like 11." Said Ash.

"EXACTLY!" Said Violet.

Velvet walked over to them and sat next to Violet.

"Someone gets it." Velvet said. "It's way too early to even think yet."

"Thank you Velvet!" Said Violet. Velvet smiled at her. Veneer hasn't really seem Velvet smile all that much after prison. It was good to see her happy.

As they were eating, Branch and Clay approached them along with Poppy.

"Velvet we need to have a chat with you." Said Clay.

"Do you really?" Said Velvet turning away from them.

"Let us eat bro." Said Kid Ritz.

"Velvet I overheard last night that you had brought a perfume bottle prison and we're gonna snatch a troll!" Branch shouted at her.

The Mount Rageons turned to stare at her in shock. Expect for Roxie and Veneer who just kept eating.

"Oh please I wasn't actually gonna do it. How did you overhear from all the way across the island...unless you were spying..." Velvet glared at him.

"I was keeping an eye on you! For all of our safety!" Branch said.

"Branch dont spy on people!" Said Poppy.

"Yeah you spied on three MINORS. Maybe YOU should spend some time in jail." Said Roxie.

"They kidnapped my brother! How can I be sure they won't do it again!" Branch yelled.

"You can't." Said Velvet.

"Exactly- what wait?" Said Branch.

"But if you keep spying on us the chances of us taking Floyd again go up." Said Velvet.

"Branch let's just go. These guys aren't worth our time." Said Clay.

"I'm not done with you guys yet!" Said Branch.

"Whatever troll." Said Veneer. "Literally just let us eat breakfast."

Branch stormed away with Clay and Poppy in tow.

"Dang y'all really traumatized the little guy." Said Violet.

"We didn't even kidnap that one how could it be traumatized?" Velvet said.

"Well how would you feel if Veneer got kidnapped?" Said Violet. Velvet went quiet. "Exactly."

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now