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It was finally time for vacation and Veneer was very excited. He had never been to or even heard about this place before and it sounded fun.

Before leaving he went to check his mail, and found another letter from Floyd on another wish you were here postcard.

Dear Veneer,
I'm glad to hear things are going well with Velvet. Just know she might be a bit feverish from troll essence withdrawals. But also remember feverish words are non-feverish thoughts. I'm sure she really does care about you.

Me and my brothers are fighting a bit again, I guess they just missed me and stopped for a while. I think they want to go our separate ways but if we did that it would hurt my baby brother too much. So I'm trying to keep everyone together and it's exhausting. Do you think I should just let them go?


Veneer decided he would write back after vacation, and think about how to help Floyd on the car ride there. He pocketed the postcard and walked back inside.

"Ready to go Velvet?" He asked his sister who was zipping up her several suitcases.

She has just gotten off house arrest yesterday. Veneer's freinds took her out with them to celebrate. He couldn't go because he fell asleep and didn't want to get up.

But I seemed like she actually had fun. She had been smiley all day, but perhaps she didn't have fun and was just happy to be off house arrest.

"Yeah I'm ready." She said. Ash honked outside their door and they all piled into the car.

"Dang you guys have a lot of luggage." Said Roxie helping them get their stuff in the back. Veneer nodded.

"You can never be too prepared Roxanne." Veneer said. He sat in between Kid Ritz and Velvet in the back. Brook and Ash were at the front and Violet and Roxie were in the middle.

"Hi Velvet hi Veneer." Said Violet in scratchy voice. "I still haven't gotten my voice back from last night. Did you have fun Velvet?"

"Violet I feel like you always have some sort of ailment." Said Ash from the front seat.

"Yeah it was fun I guess. People kept starting at me though." Said Velvet. "They seemed pretty mad."

"Probably because Veneer made an apology video and you didn't." Roxie said.

"Well how could I have made one in prison?!" Velvet yelled.

"Fair point." Said Roxie. "Ash can I have the AUX."

"No." Said Ash.

"Here ya go!" Said Brook handing it to her.

"Thanks mom." Said Roxie. She started playing Brozone. "I used to love these guys as a kid! I can't believe they are making new music!"

"Me too!" Said Violet. "Wait aren't those the guys you kidnapped Velvet and Veneer?"

"Yeah..." Said Veneer sadly.

"Turn this off this off this sounds terrible." Said Velvet yanking the AUX away from Roxie and playing her own music.

"Wait why is Spotify saying Brozone was featured for me and Veneer's songs!?" Velvet yelled. Kid Ritz tried not to laugh.

"Well you were using their talent..." Said Roxie.

"UGH." Said Velvet handing Veneer the AUX and angrily looking out the window.

Venue mostly just took song requests from other people and they sang along for the rest of the ride. This only made Violet's voice worse and soon she could barely talk at all. Roxie had to physically stop her from signing.

Kid Ritz brought a lot of snacks and since Veneer was next to him he got first pick on them. The drive was so long at some point Kid Ritz fell asleep laying down on Veneer's shoulder which got him some weird looks from Velvet.

Eventually they approached the destination and Veneer felt his heart drop. It said Wish You Were Here in big letters over the island. He fished the postcard out of his pocket and held it up.

"Velvet we can't be here!" He turned to Velvet which woke up Kid Ritz.

"Why not?" Said Velvet.

"Brozone is here!" He said. They stepped out of the car and started to walk into a place called Bruce and Sons.

"Veneer you're crazy there's no way Brozone is-" Velvet stopped and dropped her luggage in shock. Brozone was preforming, they saw the twins and stopped dead in their tracks.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now