First Impressions

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Veneer nervously drove to Roxie's house. He was excited to have his first sleepover for sure, but was scared everyone would think he was weird.

Velvet always said he was "weird and pathetic and that all the fans thought so too". She was probably right.

He pulled up the address, double checking to see if it was the right one. Roxie's house was a small little two story building which was of course red. It was sandwiched between a bunch of other houses just like it. The paint was peeling and the doorknob was rusty.

Veneer ringed the (also rusty) doorbell. He heard footsteps running towards the door. Roxie swung open the door and embraced him.

"You came! You're here!" Roxie said enthusiastically.  "Wow you brought a lot for a sleepover."

Roxie's eyes looked over to his luggage.

"Yeah I didn't really know what to bring, I have never had a sleepover before."

"NEVER?!" Roxie pressed her forehead up against his.

Veneer nodded.

"That's so sad!" Roxie whimpered. "Here I'll help you."

She helped him drag all his luggage through the front door.

"Come on I'll show you my room, and you'll finally get to meet my friends!" Roxie skipped up the stairs with Veneer in tow.

Roxie's house was very retro and comfortable looking. It was also quite messy, but not in a bad way. Made the house feel like a home in Veneer's opinion.

Roxie opened the door to her room. She had band posters all over the wall, a couple with Velvet and Veneer and even Brozone.

She had an electric guitar in the corner of the room and records on the wall as well as a record player.

Her bed was messily put together and had three teens sitting on it, staring at Veneer. One of them he recognized.

"Hey Veneer!" Kid Ritz said. "Good to see you again!"

"Good to see you too!" Veneer smiled at him.

Roxie sat on the floor and Veneer sat criss cross applesauce next to her.

"So guys this is Veneer..." Roxie started.

"I think we all know who he is." Said the emo girl Roxie had shown Veneer in photos. That must be Ash.

"Right. Well Veneer this is Ash-" Roxie pointed to the emo girl. Her hair had gone from a dark red to black, Veneer assumed she must have died it. Ash wore heavy jewelry and a black dress that had been torn up at the skirt.

"And Brook. And you already know Ritz cracker over there." Roxie pointed to a blonde girl who was holding hands with Ash.

Veneer assumed she may have died her hair from pink to blonde, since she had the same "y2k bimbo" fashion style as the pink haired girl from Roxie's photos.

Brook waved at him enthusiastically.

"HIII!!!" She said loudly and wrapped him into a hug. Veneer could see why she and Roxie were friends.

"Hi nice to meet you!" Veneer smiled at them. Brook smiled back but Ash just looked angry.

I'm being weird aren't I. He thought to himself. Velvet was right I should have just listened to her.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now