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The girls had just finished up practice and we're getting ready for the next round. It was important because in this round they went up against Crimp and Floyd.

"Violet you better not throw up this time." Said Velvet.

"I'm just not going to eat on the day of the show." Said Violet.

"That's a terrible idea you're gonna pass out." Velvet said.

"Eat ginger or some sh#t." Said Roxie.

"But I hate ginger." Said Violet.

"But it makes you less nauseous." Said Roxie.

"Fine." Violet said.

"Brook what time is it?" Roxie asked.

"Like 14:5." Said Brook. Roxie checked her phone.

"Oh you mean 1:45. Ok time to go Velvet and Veneer." Said Roxie.

"Go where?!" Veneer asked.

"Ummm to the mall!" Roxie said nervously.

"Oo can I come!" Said Brook. Roxie shook her head at her.

"Roxie you're not slick where are you really going to take us." Velvet said.

"It's a surprise..." Roxie said, waking outside and starting her car.

"Oo yay a surprise!" Veneer said getting into the car.

"VENEER!" Velvet yelled and got in after him. "Veneer she's tricking us into getting thera-"

Before she could finish Roxie slammed on the gas. They eventually pulled up to an office looking building and Roxie had to drag Velvet up the stairs.

"I cannot believe you call us childish and here you are having a full on tantrum." Roxie said to her.

"Veneer just go in through that door I'll get her to her therapist." Said Roxie.

"Ok Roxie. I hope you know what you're doing." Veneer said as he nervously opened the door.

"Hi welcome in." Said the therapist. "Have a seat."

Veneer sat down on the couch that was sitting across from the therapist.

"I'm Dr. Brown. I'll be your therapist today. Everything stays between you and me." Said Dr. Brown.

"Ok..I'm guessing you already know who I am but I'm Veneer. My dumb freind, she signed me up for this." Said Veneer.

"Why do you think she signed you up? How does that make you feel?" Said Dr. Brown.

"Well she signed up my sister first and I helped her. But I don't know why she signed me up because I'm already cured." Veneer said.

"What do you mean by already cured?"

"Well I did some bad things, went to jail for it, met my dumb friend Roxie and her friends, apologized to the people I hurt, and made up with my sister." Said Veneer.

"How is your relationship with your sister?"

"Well it's complicated. She asked me if I wanted to be famous with her. Then she started doing crimes to be famous and I wanted the fame and money too so I helped. She would always brush any of my ideas off which was annoying and always tried to make me into..." Veneer said.

"Make you into what?" Dr. Brown said furiously scribing.

"Well I don't know. A different person? A male version of her." Veneer said. "I ratted us out, we got sent to prison and she was angry with me. She said she didn't want see me and refused to talk to me."

"And you got out before her correct?"

"Yeah, I came to visit her because I was worried. She immediately hugged me and talked about how sorry she was. She look awful frankly. I later learned she was sick with a fever." Veneer said.

"When she got out, did she act different than she did in that moment?"

"Well it seemed like she was back to her old self. But she really seems to care about me more now. Like when I hurt my arm she was worried. Shes friends with some of my friends and is in a band now. They had their first performance and she said she thought she would fail without me. After the performance she hugged me immediately." Veneer said.

"Well, you two really did make up." Said Dr. Brown.

"Yeah I guess we did. Things are...good now." Veneer said smiling.

"Well if you really think you don't need therapy you don't have to do it." Dr. Brown said.

"Actually it was kinda of nice to talk about feelings and all that sh#t." Veneer said. "I thought therapy was like a white room filled with rats and no way out." 

"Nope! Looks like that's our time for today." Said Dr Brown. "Should I schedule you for next week?"

"Sure!" Said Veneer. "Thank you!"

He walked out of the room and saw Roxie waiting for Velvet. He sat next to her.

"That was great Roxie I see why you like this! I just got to talk about myself for an hour it was awesome!" Veneer said.

"Great! Your sister bit me." Said Roxie. Veneer was about to say something when Velvet stormed out.

"Let's leave now and never come back." Velvet said.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now