The Finale Plan

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It was finally time for the finale and it was bound to be filled with drama.

"Ok we have a huge issue here! Ash and Ritz you guys cannot vote for Floyd's band or we are gonna lose!" Velvet said, pacing around the dressing room.

"But they are a good band! We're not like Alice we don't vote based off of personal vendettas." Ash said.

"Alice is the problem! If she votes yes for Floyd but no for us we lose!" Velvet said.

"But we could lose our credibility!" Kid Ritz said.

"You're already in the finals, you guys don't even know the prize, why are you so fixated on winning? You're already famous!" Ash said.

"We have to win! We aren't going to give up now!" Velvet yelled. The rest of the band nodded.

"Well we aren't going to be bad judges for you guys! Brook I love you but I don't want to..I don't know." Ash said. Brook took Ash's hands.

"Don't worry I understand. I had a guilty conscious once too before the incident." Brook said.

"What incident?" Ash asked.

"You don't wanna know." Violet said.

"Wait what's a conscious?" Veneer asked.

"You know the little voice in your head that tells you right from wrong." Roxie said.

"Oh that's what that is! I thought I was schizophrenic!" Veneer said. Roxie facepalmed.

"I don't have one of those. And you all should get rid of yours if we're gonna win." Velvet said.

"Velvet isn't not having a conscious is what got you into prison?" Roxie said. 

"Whatever. Tonight we're gonna win ladies..and Veneer. Let's do this!" Velvet said.

They all cheered wildly.

"But how? What about Alice?" Violet said. They stopped cheering.

"We will figure it out as we go!" Roxie said nervously. "Go team..."

"Can you guys please just not vote for the other bands!" Violet begged.

"Violet this isn't fashion famous this is our jobs. We need to vote fair." Kid Ritz said.

"You guys are no fun." Veneer said crossing his arms. "Cheating is fun."

"Of course you think cheating is fun Veneer." Ash said rolling her eyes.

"We need to go break a leg guys..." Kid Ritz said and they hurried out to the room.

"UGH I cannot believe them!" Velvet yelled.

"They are such phonies! I would cheat for them!" Roxie said.

"I don't know I sort of get it." Brook said.

"Brook you don't get anything you're just simping for Ash!" Velvet said. Brook gasped.

"You just mean to everyone!" Brook yelled back at her.

"Oh boo hoo." Velvet said.

"No wonder only Violet, Veneer and Roxie even want you in this freind group!" Brook yelled.

"That's not-" Roxie started.

"You're so annoying Brook! Maybe I don't want to be friends with you weirdos!" Velvet interrupted.

"Guys stop!" Veneer yelled.

"That's it I quit!" Brook said storming out of the room.

"I quit too!" Velvet slumped down on a nearby couch and screamed into a pillow.

"Guys we can't break up now it's the finale!" Violet said grabbing onto Brook's sleeve. "Let's just get through this ok?"

Brook nodded. Velvet stopped screaming.

"You guys were so gonna lose." Roxie said slumping down.

"Don't say that Roxie!" Veneer shook her by the shoulders.

"Wait I have an idea!" Roxie said.

"Spill!" Said Violet and Veneer in unison.

"What if we sabotage the other performers!" Roxie said.

"Roxie that's a terrible-" Brook started.

"Great idea!" Velvet said. Brook and Velvet glared at each other.

"It's a terrible idea! We could get caught." Brook said still glaring at Velvet.

"We could also get away with it." Velvet said crossing her arms.

"You have a pretty bad track record of getting away with things!" Brook said. Velvet grumbled and turned away.

"Who's sabotaging who now?" Branch said leaning on the doorframe.

"Umm no body is sabotaging anyone." Roxie said nervously.

"Good because I wouldn't have to tell the higher ups what I just heard and get Little Miss Liars disqualified." Branch said.

"Oh please you have no proof." Velvet said.

"I have been recording you guys this whole time..." Branch said holding up his phone. "Who's sabotaging who now-"

Velvet yanked the phone out of his hands and smashed it.

"HEY!" Branch yelled.

"You have no proof. Now scram!" Velvet yelled at him.

"You're paying for that phone!" Branch stuck his tongue out at Velvet and left.

"Guys the show starts soon we need a better plan!" Violet whined.

"I have another idea!" Roxie said. "Huddle in!"

She whispered her plan to the crew. They all nodded.

"Yeah that might just work!" Veneer said.

"Let's do it!" Said Brook.

They all put their hands in and did a cheer. It was time for the show.

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