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"Ok let's do this finally! Time to get this over with!" Roxie said.

They marched onstage with confidence and started to preform. Of course the voting went as expected. All yes expect for Alice.

Veneer was a bit unnerved by this but he remembered Roxie's plan. They were going to win.

"Ok don't worry guys after the winners are announced which is definitely going to be Floyd's band, we object!" Roxie said once they got backstage.

"And put the plan into action!" Violet said. Roxie nodded.

"What plan??" They turned around to see Branch.

"How did you get back in here!" Veneer said. "Ritz got you kicked out!"

"You're not planning to hurt my brother are you?" Branch said reaching for his bow and arrow.

"Honestly we haven't thought about your brother in months. He's kind of irrelevant." Velvet said.

"Don't you lie to me..." Branch said getting ready to shoot. Veneer hid behind his sister and Roxie hid behind her too.

"You wouldn't dare!" Velvet said. Branch fired off an arrow and it hit Veneer's foot.

"OW!" Veneer screamed and fell over. Velvet took off after Branch and he ran fast.

"Are you ok?" Roxie asked. Veneer felt dizzy.

"Violet go get a first aid!" Brook said, but she sounded muffled. Violet ran off.

"Hey Brook why is there three of you...." Veneer slurred.

"There is!?" Brook said. "Hey guys!" She waved to the imaginary Brooks.

"Ok you need some water." Roxie handed him a water bottle. He tried to drink but spilled everywhere. He felt his vision going dark.

"Roxie...I think I see a light..." Veneer said faintly.

"It's gonna be ok." Roxie said holding his hand. Veneer started to feel a bit calmer as his breathing steadied.

Violet eventually came back with the first aid kit.

"You're not going to remove it are you?!" Veneer asked.

"I mean yeah what else would I do?" Said Violet.

"Oh no I can't do this..." Veneer said inching away.

"Just close your eyes and squeeze my hand." Roxie said.

"You're not gonna hold me down if I squirm right Roxie?" Veneer asked.

"No you're way too fragile." Roxie said.

Veneer closed his eyes and flinched when Violet removed the arrow. He fought the urge to shrink away and squeezed Roxie's hand.

"Ok you're all patched up!" Violet said. "Little troll cut deeper this time."

"Ok ok..." Veneer said heavily breathing.

"See that wasn't so bad!" Said Roxie.

"Oh shoot looks like they're announcing the winners!" Brook said.

"Someone go find Velvet!" Roxie said helping Veneer up.

"CRIMP! Go find Velvet!" Veneer yelled.

"On it!" Crimp said running off.

They went out on stage and waited for the curtains to rise. Eventually Velvet ran up with them.

"Velvet what did you do to that troll?" Brook asked.

"Did you beat his as#?" Roxie asked.

"Yeah but the little guy slipped away." Velvet said.

"Sure hope he doesn't use that against us in court." Veneer said.

"Oh yeah I forgot we were suing him." Roxie said.

"Can you guys shut up?" Said Floyd. Velvet glared at him and he backed off.

The curtain rose. Veneer took a deep breath and they all held hands.

"It's time to announce the winners!" Said Kid Ritz.

Everyone cheered wildly and chanted the names of their favorites.

"And the winners are, Barb's Band!" Kid Ritz said. Everyone cheered.

Roxie looked and Velvet and she nodded. Roxie ran up to the mic.

"You can't let them win! They aren't even supposed to be in this competition!" Roxie said. The crowd gasped.

"Roxie shut up." Said Alice.

"Hold up let her cook." Ritz said.

"Sure Floyd has a dual citizenship but the other members of his band dont! And this is Mount Rageous got talent! Not weird little trolls got talent!" Roxie said.

"She makes a fair point. They can't really compete." Ash said.

"Are you really about to let Little Miss Liars win on a technicality?!" Alice yelled.

"Yes." Said the blue haired judge.

Everyone cheered again.

"Well that settles it! The winners of the $100,000 dollars and the record deal are Little Miss Liars!"Ash said and everyone cheered wildly.

"Oh I totally forgot there was a prize!" Roxie said.

They all took their bows and grabbed the trophy. They had won.

Now what?!

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now