Perfume Bottle

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"Here we are!" Said Roxie flopping down on her bed. "Just the law abiding citizens trio."

"We're not calling ourselves that either." Said Velvet throwing her luggage down on the bed furthest from Roxie.

Veneer placed his luggage next to his bed and sat down. He started aimlessly scrolling on his phone.

"What are we supposed to call ourselves then?" Roxie asked.

"Velvet, Veneer and Roxie. In that order." Velvet said.

"That's so borninggggg. And why that order?" Roxie said letting her head drop off the side of the bed.

"Order of coolness." Said Velvet.

"HEY!" Said Roxie falling off the bed. She tossed a pillow at Velvet.

"OW!" Yelled Velvet and she threw it back at her. Veneer had to duck out of the way.

" I want to keep my head please." Said Veneer.

"Sorry." Said Roxie sitting back in the bed. Velvet just grumbled and pulled out her phone as well. Roxie started to unpack.

"I can help you guys unpack all that stuff you brought if you want." Said Roxie.

"Yeah thanks!" Said Veneer handing her all the luggage and continuing to look at his phone. Roxie nearly collapsed under the weight.

"NO." Said Velvet clutching her luggage.

"Why are you hiding something?" Said Roxie jokingly.

"No why would I do that." Said Velvet.

"You sound really suspicious. You didn't snatch another Brozone member did you?" Asked Roxie.

"How could I have possibly done that with all those people around?" Velvet asked.

"True." Said Roxie. "You wanna go see Brozone perform?"

"Sure." Said Veneer.

"NO." Said Velvet turning her back to Roxie and Veneer.

"Ok suit yourself." Roxie threw down Veneer's luggage.

"Hey be careful with that!" He yelled.

"Sorry." Roxie said. They both walked out the door. "Bye Velvet!"

"Good riddance." She said.

They walked into Bruce and Sons again. The others were already in there and waved them over.

"Hey I got you guys sodas! Where's Velvet?" Asked Violet.

"She didn't wanna come." Veneer said. Roxie took both hers and Velvets drink.

"Oh well I'll save this for her." Said Violet pulling the drink away from Roxie.

Veneer bent down to drink when an arrow hit the wall where his head was.

"Huh?" Veneer said.

"Veneer! You will pay for torturing my brother!" Said Branch lining up another arrow.

"Omg he's soooo ADORABLE!" Said Brook scoping up Branch. "Aww look at his little bow and arrow!" She picked it up and accidentally snapped it. "Oops."

"Hey that was vintage!" Yelled Branch.

"Awww he's even cuter when he's mad!" Said Violet poking his cheeks.

"I know right!" Said Veneer.

"Hey you guys are as bad as my brothers! Stop babying me!" Yelled Branch.

"AWWW!" They all collectively went. Branch sighed and climbed out of Brook's hands, storming off.

"Bye little guy!" Said Brook. "Ash can we get a troll?"

"Brook getting a troll ended in jail time for our dear twins." Ash said.

"That's not a no!"

"That is a no."

"Oh :("

Poppy walked over to the Mount Rageons.

"Hi I'm Poppy!" She said.

"Aw this one's even cuter please can we keep it Ash!" Brook begged.

"Trolls aren't pets Brook." Ash said patting her head.

"Yeah Velvet said they are more like resources." Said Veneer. Everyone stared at him in horror. "I don't think that though!" He clarified.

"Anyways, hi Poppy I'm Roxie!" Roxie said.

"Isn't Brozone so cool!" Said Poppy.

"Yes omg me and Violet over there have been friends since we were little and we always loved Brozone!" Said Roxie excitedly.

"I always hated John Dory though." Said Violet. "He just seemed sort of mean."

"Well JD is actually mostly a really nice guy!" Said Poppy.

"Good!" Said Violet.

"We should probably get some sleep." Said Kid Ritz. They all got up to leave. Violet stopped by their room to give Velvet the soda.

"It's kinda flat by now but here." Said Violet.

"Oh thanks..." Said Velvet placing the soda far away from her.

"Good night guys!" Said Violet.

"Good night!" They all yelled back at her.

As she left, Violet tripped over Velvets suitcase. It spilled out onto the floor.

"VIOLET!" Yelled Velvet.

"Sorry!" Said Violet picking stuff up.

Roxie scurried to help clean it up.

"Hah Velvet why did you just bring an empty perfume bottle?" Roxie said.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now