Christmas Eve Dinner

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Roxie and Veneer were lying on the bed in the guest bedroom doomscrolling.

"Where's Velvet? Did she die or something?" Roxie asked. Veneer shrugged.

"Kids! Dinner!" Called their mom.

Veneer sighed. "Cominggggg...."

He and Roxie ran downstairs. Velvet was arguing with their dad in dinging room.

"Hi dad." Veneer smiled at him.

"Hi Veneer how are you?" Said his dad.

"Hi mister Veneer's dad! I'm Roxie!" Roxie smiled and shook his hand.

"Veneers's dad? He's my dad too!" Velvet protested.

"The world doesn't revolve around you Velvet." Roxie said glaring at her.

Fear spread across their parent's faces. Veneer realized they had never really fought her on anything before, and when they did Velvet would blow up. But Velvet just glared back at Roxie. His parents seemed shocked she didn't explode.

"Come eat up kids." His mom said nervously. Roxie smiled and immediately started eating like a manic. Velvet looked at her in disgust and Veneer rolled his eyes at her.

"So Roxie..." Veneers dad said.

"Yeah?" She said with a mouth full of food.

"Do you like being Veneer's girlfriend?" He asked. Roxie stifled a laugh.

"I'm not his girlfriend, not even close." Roxie laughed. Veneer tried not to laugh from across the table.

"I have standards." Roxie said smugly.

"HEY!" Said Veneer. Roxie burst out laughing.

"Ah. So does he have a girlfriend?" His mom asked.

"I'm sorry are you guys blind or something?" Roxie said.

"I'm sorry?" their mom said. "What do you mean dearie?"

"Your kids are gay asf ma'am. It's right in front of you!" Roxie said smugly.

"Oh." Said their mom. "Ohhhhhhh that actually makes sense."

"Roxie! I'm not gay!" Velvet slammed her hands on the table.

"I literally have a photo of you cuddling with Violet." Roxie said.

"I have a photo of you cuddling with Violet!" Velvet said.

"I cuddle with everyone I'm clingy like that. And the photo you have is from when we were like, five." Roxie said smirking at her.

"UGH I hate you." Velvet said.

"Sure you do." Roxie smiled at her.

"So are you Velvet's girlfriend then?" Their dad asked.

"No, like I said I have STANDARDS." Roxie said. Velvet glared at her. "Plus I like guys. And Velvets girlfriend is my bestie Violet."

"So Velvet has a girlfriend?" Their dad said.

"ROXIE. STOP TELLING PEOPLE WERE DATING." Velvet yelled. Throughout this whole conversation Veneer was dying of laughter.

"Oh is it supposed to be a secret? Don't worry we accept you darling." Their mom said. Roxie burst out laughing with Veneer.

"NO! WE AREN'T DATING! She is a little pyromaniac liar and keeps telling people we are!" Velvet said.

"Pyromaniac?" Their dad asked.

"Oh yeah, she's an arsonist. We met her in JAIL. Where you left us to ROT." Velvet said. Veneer and Roxie didn't stop laughing.

"Velvet, we just thought-" their mom started.

"SAVE IT." Velvet said and she stormed upstairs. As Veneer and Roxie continued to laugh hysterically their mom sighed and placed her head in their hands.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now