Mall (and hitting Crimp with a car)

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Velvet and Veneer were lounging around the house until they heard the phone ring.

"You answer it." Said Velvet. Veneer reluctantly got up and answered the phone.

"Hi!" Said Brook. "How's your arm?"

"Better." Said Veneer. "What's up?"

"You guys wanna come to the mall with me, Roxie and Violet today. We're bored." Said Brook.

"Sure!" Veneer said. He turned to Velvet. "You wanna go to the mall with some friends?"

"Yes I always want to go to the mall." Velvet said.

"Ok we're both in. What time?" Said Veneer.

"I'll pick y'all up in like a hour." Said Brook.

"Wait you're driving?" Veneer asked.

"Yeah?" Said Brook.

"Brook you have like two brain cells how do you even have a license?" Asked Veneer.

"Hey! I have THREE brain cells!" Said Brook and she hung up.

Veneer and Velvet lazed around for an hour until they heard a knock on the door.

"You get it." Said Velvet. Veneer walked over to the door and opened it.

"Veneer please help." Said Violet looking frazzled. "Brook is a terrible driver!"

"God Vi you look terrible!" Said Velvet.

"She went in the wrong lane! She almost hit like a million people!" Said Violet.

"I'm sure she's not that terrible." Said Velvet getting into the car. Veneer followed her into the car. It was  pink convertible with a lot of scratches.

"Oh no she is." Said Roxie.

"Come on have some faith in me!" Said Brook as she stepped on the gas.

They started to go 80 in a 35 zone and were in the wrong lane.

"Brook merge lanes!" shouted Veneer.

"It doesn't matter what lane you're in." Said Brook.

"YES IT DOES!" Yelled Veneer.

"How have you not been ticketed yet?!" Roxie said.

"Hot girls don't get tickets." Said Brook.

All of a sudden they hit something and the car jolted.   Brook slammed the breaks. Violet stepped out of the car and held up the thing they hit. It was Crimp and her glasses had broken.

"Brook you hit a dog!" Violet shouted.

"That's not a dog that's Crimp!" Veneer yelled.

"Who?" Said Violet.

"Remember the one whose stuff I burnt? Velvet and Veneer's formers assistant? Velvet threw her in her pool?" Said Roxie.

"Ohhh!" Violet said. She held up Crimp higher who was shivering. "Wait what are you? You're not a dog."

"It doesn't matter. You're not going to press charges right?" Said Velvet.

"No!" Said Crimp in terror.

"Good now run along." Said Velvet. Violet put Crimp down and she ran off.

"What a skittish dog." Said Brook. "Oh look we're here."

Brook did the worst parking job known to man and they all got out of the car.

"I feel like I'm going to throw up." Said Violet.

"Please don't." Said Velvet.

They walked into the mall and shopped around for a bit.

"Velvet will you buy me this?" Roxie asked her holding up a stuffed animal.

"No." Said Velvet.

"She's my sugar mommy not yours." Said Violet. Roxie stuck her tongue out at Violet and Violet did it back.

"I'll buy it for you." Said Veneer.

"Yay!" Roxie hugged him.

"You guys are like small children I feel like im babysitting." Said Velvet.

"You're certainly one to talk I have to stop you from getting sent back to Juvie like eight times a day." Said Veneer. Velvet rolled her eyes at him.

"So what do you guys want to do now that you're out of prison?" Asked Brook.

"No idea." Said Veneer.

"I don't know." Said Velvet. "It's too early for this."

"Velvet it's 1pm." Said Veneer.

"Exactly." Said Velvet.

"Im going to make a new lighter collection!" Said Roxie.

"Roxie no." Said Violet.

"Roxie yes." Said Roxie.

"Guys..." said Brook looking at her phone. "You know how Ash and Ritz's show have auditions today?"

"Yeah?" Said Veneer.

"Ash just texted me that Crimp is auditioning." Said Brook.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now