A Chaotic Vacation

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After eating breakfast everyone swam around for a bit and just had fun. While Veneer was splashing people and playing around Velvet just kept staring at the shore.

"What's up?" Veneer asked her.

"Those trolls have been watching us all day. Especially the emo one." Said Velvet pointing at Branch. He ducked down.

"They are probably just nervous we're gonna try something. You're not gonna try someone are you?" Veneer asked her.

"Veneer do you think I'm an idiot?" Said Velvet before getting hit with a beach ball.

"Sorry!" Yelled Kid Ritz.

"I'm gonna get you for that!" Velvet swam after him and threw the beach ball back at him before splashing him in the face a bunch.

"Hey!" Kid Ritz laughed as he tried to swim away.

"Guys let's play Marco Polo!" Brook said.

"What are we children?" Said Velvet.

"Technically yes." Said Ash.

"You don't have to play." Said Violet. "But it would be reallly cool if you did!" She gave Velvet puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." Said Velvet.

"Yay I win." Violet said smugly. Veneer high fived her and Velvet rolled her eyes at them.

They played for a while before they all got tired and went to lay on the sand. Veneer was pretty terrible at the game and nearly drowned twice. They had to ban him from being it for safety reasons.

Kid Ritz sat down next to Veneer who was lying on a beach towel.

"I'm so glad there's another guy in the group." Kid Ritz said.

"Hey what's wrong with us girls!" Brook said.

"Nothing it's just nice to have more variety!" Kid Ritz said.

"Well I'm glad you're in the group too. To save me from drowning twice." Veneer said.

"If you ever drown again I can give you mouth to mouth." Kid Ritz smirked at him.

Everyone turned to look them and Veneer covered his face with his hands.

"Ayo?!" Said Violet.

"Woah we should start calling you Kid Rizz!" said Roxie high fiving him. Veneer took his hands off his face to roll his eyes at her bad joke.

Velvet, who was on a beach chair, kicked sand in Kid Ritz's eyes.

"AH!" Said Ritz.

"Stop flirting with my brother. We aren't allowed to date people it's bad for the brand." Velvet said.

"Girl what brand?" Said Roxie. Velvet glared at her.

"Roxie's right let them flirt." Said Ash. Velvet kicked sand at Ash and Roxie too.

"Guys it was a joke." Said Kid Ritz. "Or was it..."

"Omg this is ridiculous." Veneer laughed, embarrassed.

"Let's get some dinner it's already 6." Said Ash.

"Oh shoot really? Yeah we should probably eat." Said Violet.

"Yeah Velvets getting hangry and kicking sand at people with good opinions." Roxie snapped. Velvet kicked sand at her again.

At dinner they went to Bruce and Sons again and sat and ate in the little pools of water. Velvet and Veneer were crowed by a bunch of little kids.

"Did you get a real tiger for that music video!"
One kid asked.

"Can you sing Watch Me Work?" Another asked.

"It's it really true you kidnapped my uncle?" Said a third child.

"Uhh..." said Veneer.

"No no yes." Said Velvet. "Now scram."

"Don't be rude to the only fans we have left Velvet." Said Veneer.

"I hate children Veneer!" Velvet said. The kids frowned.

"Look you're making them sad!" Veneer said. "I'll sing Watch me work."

The kids cheered.

"But you can't sing?!" Said Velvet.

"Actually he's not half bad for karaoke standards." Said Violet.

"Yeah but..." said Velvet.

"Come join me Vel!" Said Veneer extending a hand to her.

"No I can't." Velvet said.

"It's supposed to just be fun you don't have to actually be good!" Said Roxie.

"I bet you're better than you think come on Velvet!" Said Violet.

Velvet reluctantly joined Veneer. The kids cheered again.

They stumbled through the song. Veneer kept laughing and Velvet forgot like half the words. Their voices weren't the best and the kids stopped cheering. But their friends cheered them on.

Until someone shut off the music.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now