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"You." Said Branch pointing at them. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh we have a reservation-" Brook started but Ash elbowed her.

"Brook these are the guys Velvet and Veneer kidnapped." Ash whispered.

"Ohhh. Wait Velvet and Veneer kidnapped someone!?" Brook asked. Ash facepalmed.

"OMG YOUR BROZONE!" Roxie said excitedly. "Which means my friends kidnapped you...." Her smile turned to a frown.

"So wait you're not here to kidnap us?" John Dory asked.

"No we're just here on vacation to celebrate our freinds new job." Said Veneer. "I didn't even know y'all would be here. We can leave if you-"

Veneer started before he was swarmed by a hoard of children.

"Veneer I love your songs!" Said one of the kids.

"Hey they're my songs too!" Said Velvet which the kids just ignored.

"Can I get an autograph!" Yelled another.

They were all crowded around him. Clearly kids don't care when their favorite artist gets into controversy, even when that controversy is literally kidnapping their uncle.

"Velvet and did kidnap my brother...but my kids seem to like you..." Bruce started.

"Are you SERIOUSLY considering letting them stay! The kidnapped and tortured Floyd?!" Branch shouted.

"Well I think it's really up to Floyd!" Clay said. The brothers cleared away and Floyd stepped forward.

"Good to see you Veneer." He said. Veneer nodded. Everyone but Roxie looked at them in shock.

"Wait you guys are chill now?!" Asked JD.

"Yeah what?!" Velvet turned to look at Veneer.

"Oh they are pen pals now." Said Roxie. She turned to Floyd. "Veneer tells me everything so that's how I know. I'm not like stalking you or anything."

"Cool good to know..." Floyd took a step back. "You guys can stay."

"WHAT?!" Yelled Branch.

The kids cheered.

"But Veneer please keep Velvet in check." Said Floyd.

"I don't need to be kept in check!" Velvet pouted.

"Yeah you do." Said Ash.

"You definitely do." Said Brook.

"You really do." Said Kid Ritz.

"GUYS!" Shouted Velvet.

"Don't worry I'll get her one of those leash backpack things." Said Roxie.

"NO YOU WONT!" Yelled Velvet.

"Yes I will!" Roxie stuck her tongue out at her.

As the two went back and forth Veneer and Ash grabbed the room keys. Each room has three beds and they got two rooms.

"Me and Ash can share a bed." Said Brook.

"Ok can I room with you and mom." Violet joked.

"Yes my child." Brook patted the top of Violets head.

"I wanna room with y'all too because I think Velvet is plotting to kill me in my sleep." Kid Ritz said. Velvet slowly nodded.

"Yeah yeah of course." Said Ash looking at Velvet in fear.

"Ok then I guess it's the Juvie trio!" Said Roxie excitedly.

"We are NOT calling ourselves that." Said Velvet.

"What are we supposed to call ourselves then? The 'law abiding citizens trio'" Roxie scoffed.

Veneer died of laughter while Velvet was unimpressed.

"Let's go find our rooms!" Said Roxie and everyone followed her out expect for Veneer.

"You guys go ahead." He said and walked over to Floyd.

"Hi. I'm sorry this is really awkward. We weren't expecting to see y'all ever again." Veneer said.

"No you're totally fine. Trolls are forgiving people. Except for Branch. Pretty sure he's planning to kill
you in your sleep." Floyd said.

"Ok notes I'll keep an eye out." Veneer said starting to walk out the door. "See you later I guess? This is so weird."

Floyd laughed. "Bye have fun. Your freinds seem really nice. I like how they humbled Velvet."

Veneer laughed. "Yeah it's a lot easier to stand up to her with back up. They are really nice." Veneer waved goodbye to Floyd.

This was going to be one memorable vacation.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now