Your Fault

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Veneer and Velvet got to share a cell together in juvie. As much as Veneer was glad he wasn't with stranger, Velvet was very much upset with him.

She didn't speak to him most of the time, which in some ways was worse than when she argued with him.

It was time for their first full day in juvie. Waking up at 5am was torture and the food was even worse. Everyone was looking at them, but no one dared approach the two.

"Ugh the food here is terrible right Velvet?" Veneer said trying to spark a conversation with his sister.

"We wouldn't have to be eating this food if you hadn't gotten us in the situation in the first place." She responded and glared at him.

"How is this my fault?"

"You confessed to our crimes on live television!"

"You're the one who said we should capture Floyd in the first place!"

"Yeah well you went along with it!"

"Because you would have killed me If I didn't go along it!" Veneer said a little too loud and realized everyone was watching them argue.

Velvet slumped down in her seat angrily.

"Look in sorry we're in the mess, maybe mom and dad will bail us out or something." Veneer put his hand on her shoulder.

"I already called mom and dad they said we needed to learn our lesson remember? I can believe them they are so annoying! I can't believe YOU." She swatted his hand away.

"You're the annoying one ."


"Hey are you guys Velvet and Veneer?" They both looked up at a red haired girl looming over them.

"Yeah who else would we be?" Velvet snapped back. A smile grew on the girl's face.

"OMG I'm like such a fan of you guys can a get a picture!" She hooked both of them in her arm and snapped a photo.

"How did you get a phone in here?" Veneer asked her.

"Flirting with the guards." She replied enthusiastically.


"Can I sit with you guys? My roommates the only person I know and she's terrifying and I don't want to sit near her." She motioned to creepy looking girl in the back of cafeteria.

"Yeah sure-" Veneer started.

"NO." Velvet interjected, slamming her head into the table. The red head awkwardly sat next to Veneer.

"Hi my names Roxie!" She outstretched her hand and Veneer shook it. "What are you in for-oh well I guess we already know."

"Yeah..." Veneer said nervously. "What are you in for Roxie?"



"Well to be fair it was on my freind's exes house, he cheated on her and I got kinda mad. The judge only gave me two months instead of ten years of jail time because he said I was quote 'so real for that'" Roxie spoke a million miles a second and was very energetic, especially for being in juvie.

"Yeah the judge was a fan and only gave us two months as well."

"Makes me worried what our court system does with murders."

Veneer patted the top of her head. "Let's not think about it too hard."

"Can you guys shut up oh my god. So annoying."Velvet grumbled.

"Sorry." Veneer mumbled.

"Can you not verbally assault everyone within a five mile radius damn." Roxie said.

Veneer looked at her in shock. It took him forever to stand up to Velvet and she had only known them for two minutes. If there was one word to describe this prisoner it would be confidence.

Veneer makes friends in jailWhere stories live. Discover now