Crimp's Audition

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"WHAT?!" Yelled Velvet.

"But Crimp isn't talented at anything why is she in a talent show?" Asked Veneer. Roxie shrugged.

"We're gonna find out." Said Velvet marched out of the mall. The others trailed behind her.

"Where are we going?" Asked Roxie.

"To the auditions. And I'm driving." Velvet snatched Brook's keys.

"You better not dent my car more. That creepy little dog left a dent." Said Brook getting in the passenger seat.

They pulled up to the place where auditions were happening and walked in. The live audience was still filing in. Brook spotted Ash taking to stage tech and ran up to her.

"Ash!" Brook said hugging her. "So what's the tea?"

"Ok so I was just backstage right?" Said Ash. "And I this tumbleweed lookin thing with a ukulele. So I'm like, is that the dog Velvet threw in her pool?"

"I thought I burned her ukulele!" Said Roxie.

"She has several. I know because I broke most of them." Said Velvet.

"So what should we do?" Asked Veneer.

"We aren't going to do anything but sit here and intimidate her." Velvet led them over to front row seats and sat down. "Then we get to watch her fail."

"Can I burn her ukulele again if I get the chance?" Asked Roxie.

"I will make sure you get that chance Roxie." Said Velvet.

The auditions started and they all waited for Crimp to go on. Veneer thought all the acts were pretty good but no where near as good as him and Velvet were.

Ash was killing it as the grumpy judge. She gave maybe two people a yes. Kid Ritz was the opposite, hardly gave a no.

"And our next act is...uhhh...Cringe!" Said Ash reading off a sheet of paper.

"Umm hi it's Crimp..." said Crimp.

"Does it look like I care?" Said Ash.

"No..." said Crimp. Ash nodded. "Uhm I'm going to be playing the uke-"

"Wait weren't you Velvet and Veneer's assistant?" Said Kid Ritz.

"Um yes I was..." Crimp said.

"Oh they're in the audience right now." Said Ash.

"THEY ARE?!" Crimp shouted. The cameraman pointed to the siblings and they stuck a pose.

"So what was it like being their assistant?" Said another judge with blue hair.

"Terrible." Said Crimp.

"Fvck you Crimp!" Yelled Velvet.

"See what I mean?" Said Crimp.

"Good depressing backstory." Said the last judge who was wearing black beret.

Crimp started to play the ukulele while looking nervously at Velvet and Veneer. The twins started daggers at her. Roxie flicked her lighter a couple of times and Crimp jumped.

"How did you even get a lighter in here?" Whispered Violet.

"Don't worry about it." Whispered Roxie.

While everyone was silently intimidating Crimp Brook was full on heckling her.

"You dented my damn car! They outta lock you up!" Brook yelled.

Crimp barely got a second in before Ash pressed the X. Black beret judge pressed the checkmark. But a little while later Ritz pressed the X and so did the other judge, it was over for Crimp.

Crimp looked at though she was on the verge of tears.

"Cringe look." Said Ash. "If you want to be famous in Mount Rageous, you need to put on a show. Standing around playing the ukulele is not going to entertain anyone."

"Gotta agree with Ash here. That was boooooring." Said Kid Ritz, pretending to sleep. A little screen flashed saying laugh and everyone did but Velvet.

"Your out!" Said the blue haired judge pointing at the door. Crimp started to sadly walk off.

"WAIT!" Yelled the beret judge. "Crimp your my pick!" She pressed the golden buzzer next to her.

Crimp perked up and started celebrating.

"NO!" Yelled Velvet.

"She did NOT." Said Veneer.

"Oh we're gonna get that little dog." Said Brook.

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